The mini-Stromer of Aachen – car and engine



The mini-Stromer of Aachen

Already the prototype of the small electric car Ego Life impressed. Now the model is produced in a specially built factory

With the little electric car Ego Life, a small start-up from the environment of the University of Aachen challenges the biggest names in the industry. The factory for the ambitious project has now opened, and the promising mobile was available for initial test prints. What can we expect from the Mini-Stromer from North Rhine-Westphalia?

Ambitious electric car projects are almost as common as road signs. Generally, they do not go out of the draft stage, like the E-Trabi. Or they are too poor and too expensive in production, like the minibus Mia of the French supplier Heuliez. Ego Life has made the first big hurdle to production. Nearly 27 million euros were invested in the factory built in record time of 15 months.

Even the prototypes have enjoyed a surprisingly high degree of maturity. The first available pre-production models made another leap forward. The first 1,000 copies will be delivered later this year, it should already be 10,000 in 2019.

On a smooth surface shows the ego's sports ambitions

Yet, vehicles are not equipped with the rear standard power steering, steering is rigid. Ego also had to change steering column supplier and pedals in a short time. According to Günther Schuh (59), the original partner was bought out. The professor specializing in vehicle construction at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule in Aachen has become familiar with the development of the street scooter. Meanwhile, small yellow electric vans characterize the downtown street scene wherever it is used in postal services

The driving behavior of Ego Life is not yet due to change provider for the key components that PSA has now. judge and feel in the brake pedal substantially immature. At 3.35 meters, the "brevity" should not expect much of the comfort of the suspension. The trip is generous with more than 15 centimeters. However, for reasons of appearance, ego builders rely on a large wheel of at least 16 inches in diameter, which places narrow limits on tire comfort.

First impression: On a slippery surface, the propelled ego displays sporting ambitions. The new seat makes a very good impression on the first seat adjustment: taut but comfortable, with sufficient lateral support. The sitting position in the 1.70 meters wide and nearly 1.60 meters high Ego Life is good, generous feeling of space. Appearance and quality printing are good and far from the plastic desert of a Dacia.

On the two individual rear seats, the "ego-ists" of Aachen have understood everything. The access through the large doors is good, the knee room surprisingly large, but the sitting position deep. The price is a minimal residual space behind the glbad shutters seats. From the safe can be no question here. If you want to go shopping, you have to fold down the rear seats. The maximum load volume is then 680 liters

Professor Schuh promises to put the cheapest electric car with Ego Life and, after the operating costs, "the cheapest new car" ever on the wheels. No more than 15 cents per kilometer should cost the electric pleasure. The most important measures in this regard are a frame made of standardized aluminum profiles and a plastic exterior shell without paint.

With a range of 100 kilometers, the Ego Life is designed for urban traffic. So the car is coming out with a smaller battery. The capacity is 14.4 kilowatt hours (kWh), the Renault Zoe being the best-selling electric car in Germany in 2017, there are between 22 and 41 kWh. The spiral of weight constantly turning upward is reversed. A smaller battery, an aluminum frame and a plastic body reduce the weight of the vehicle to around 900 kilograms (compared to Elektro-Smart: 1000 kilograms) and thus reduce consumption and charging time: up to 5.5 hours on a normal household outlet. Fast charge is not provided.

The Ego Life is offered with powers of 20, 40 and 60 kilowatts (27 to 80 hp) for respectively 15,900, 17,400 and 19,900 euros. The air conditioning costs 1700 euros, infotainment 1200 euros, LED 650 euros, aluminum wheels 600 euros. Already with 40 kilowatts, the car is pulling forward energetically. The higher version can cost up to 35,000 euros

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