The Ministry of the Interior wants to expand the conference on Islam | TIME ONLINE


Berlin (dpa) – The Federal Ministry of the Interior reviews the concept of the German Conference on Islam (DIK).

"We must put much more than before the multitude of Muslim immigrants not yet organized in Germany at the center of our Islamic Conference," said State Secretary Markus Kerber of the newspaper "Bild " (Friday). Unlike in the past, tour participants should change from time to time. Fixed memberships will probably not exist anymore, said a ministry spokeswoman in Berlin. Planned are flexible compositions, oriented on the subject, which can also vary.

"It is important that even young Muslims and young women get a vote at the German conference on Islam," said the Commissioner for the Integration of the Federal Government, Annette Widmann-Mauz. It is good that the department is now looking for new formats and a new composition.

The then Federal Minister of the Interior Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) launched the Islamic Conference in 2006. The discussion forum should promote integration and improve exchanges between the state and Muslims. In the initial phase, the forum was attended not only by representatives of Islamic badociations, but also by Muslim personalities such as the lawyer Seyran Ates and the author Navid Kermani. Later, the critic of Islam Hamed Abdel-Samad was also temporarily present. Recently, however, only Islamic badociations and – as the only badociation of immigrants – the Turkish community in Germany have been invited. This had particularly criticized liberal Muslims.

The Chairman of the Central Council of Muslims of Germany, Aiman ​​Mazyek, told the New Berlin editorial office: "Representatives can not speak for unorganized individuals, but conversely, such as self -called
The critics of Islam like to do, not even chat about
the silent majority alleged by acclamation to
can. "

On the occasion of the next Islamic conference, Kerber said that there was German Catholicism, German Protestantism and German Judaism. "And if there must be an Islam that belongs to Germany, then German Muslims must define it as" German Islam "- on the basis of our constitution."

Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) was shortly after taking office with a demarcation to infected Islam. He had said "Bild", for him Islam does not belong to Germany. Muslims living in this country, of course, belonged to Germany. Of course, this does not mean that "because of the false consideration, we are abandoning our traditional traditions and customs". At the same time, he announced that he would intensify Schäuble's dialogue with Muslims.

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