The most absurd judgment of the scarf of the year: 5159 euros compensation – domestic policy


A teacher must teach children without having to wonder every day why women should cover their hair. German judges have seen things differently …

The case

The Berlin Senate compensates a Muslim who does not want to take off her headscarf for her clbades!

The Landesarbeitsgericht Berlin-Brandenburg has condemned the State of Berlin to pay the persons concerned a monthly salary and a half (5159 euros). Because of discrimination.

The computer scientist was a candidate for a casting as a newcomer for a teaching position. And was rejected.

As a professional teacher, she was less qualified than the competition.

AND: In the interview, she refused to remove her headscarf for other types of schools (primary, middle school, high school). However, this is exactly what the Berlin Neutrality Act provides, which prohibits police officers, magistrates and teachers from wearing religious clothing.

In the first case, the Muslim woman in May of this year was still inferior to the Berlin Labor Court. Now she has won.

The fields

At present, the state labor court ruled that the woman was entitled to compensation because the right of neutrality could only be applied if the headscarf could actually undermine school peace.


The Berlin Senate now wants to challenge the verdict and hopes that the Federal Labor Court will be more understanding. Attorney Seyran Ates, who represents the country in court: "I think the verdict is wrong," said Ates. "Religious conflicts are not solved when a woman wearing a headscarf presents herself to the clbad."

As early as 2017, the Landesarbeitsgericht Berlin-Brandenburg promised a rejected candidate with a headscarf an indemnity of 8,880 EUR, also for discrimination.

Marian Wendt (33 years old), politician inside the CDU, criticizes: "I do not understand the verdict at all Neutrality is compulsory in German schools Anyone who comes before a clbad bearing the religious symbol of the scarf is in violation, I hope that the judges of the Federal Labor Court will see it as similar. "

Philipp Amthor (26 years old, CDU), an expert on the interior, told BILD: "Judgments must first be accepted in a constitutional state, politically, I will never be able to bind myself. friendship with a headscarf with teachers. "

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