The most expensive company in the world: how to take advantage of the rise of Microsoft


view Most expensive company in the world

So you take advantage of the Microsoft boom

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Microsoft has surpbaded Apple as the most valuable company


Few people liked it, but the commercial success was great: in the 90s, almost no one came to Microsoft. Then came the crisis. Now they are back with force. For investors, not the worst time to go.

IIn March 2009, the financial world plunged into the abyss and, even with the giant of Microsoft technology, almost nothing happened. The price had dropped to twelve euros, from the hype of the 2000s in the field of dotcom, a decline of 80%.

Not 100 billion reunited Microsoft as goodwill. Since this week, everyone knows what a return looks like. Because in the race between Microsoft and Apple, the market value of Microsoft has risen to $ 823 billion and is ahead of Apple. This makes the software giant the most expensive company in the world.

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Microsoft overtakes Apple in the stock market

While many US tech stocks, such as Apple, have collapsed in recent weeks, investors fearing that the significant slowdown in global economic growth is weighing on the sector, which was previously considered virtually at risk cycling, significantly less productive.

Compared to the record of early October, it should not exceed 8%. These securities are also in demand in Germany, as evidenced by the turnover statistics of the gettex trading platform.

Although Dax papers are the most exchanged, they are not long behind the headlines. At Microsoft, optimists have often resorted to this, for example with the turbo certificate bearing the identification number MF4SKL. But be careful, these papers are risky.

Cloud computing is booming

Investors believe that Microsoft's business is much more stable than many other high-tech companies and that they could continue to perform well despite the economic downturn. The engine of growth is the cloud, whose revenues grew 47% to $ 8.5 billion in the last quarter. Thus, Microsoft is the largest challenger of the industry leader in the Amazon cloud field. At the same time, this division of Microsoft is very profitable.

By the end of October, the group had finalized the $ 7.5 billion purchase of its small software development platform, GitHub. Microsoft is well equipped not only for the race to the most profitable company in the world, but also for companies in important areas for the future.

Analysts are forecasting revenue growth of more than ten percent, to $ 124.4 billion for the current fiscal year, ending in June 2019. Microsoft's earnings per share is expected to increase 15% to 4%, $ 44, compared with $ 5.03 for next year.

Acceptable risk badessment

Despite price declines, volatility is not particularly high by comparison, says Rinol Hasaj, Deutsche Bank's certificate specialist: the valuation is comparatively good: the price / earnings ratio (P / E ratio) of 21.2 is hardly acceptable in a context of operating profit margin of around 33%.

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The companies FAANG: Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google and Apple

Prudent natures can also buy Apple or Microsoft in a package. On the so-called GAFAM index, there is a certificate with the identification number MF1BFP. It maps Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft. Unlike the FAANG index (DL2FAN), Netflix is ​​missing and, for many Internet users, the harm, but even greater success, is that Uncle Microsoft is there.

The author is a financial journalist, co-founder of the financial portal "Feingold Research" and columnist BILANZ.

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