The number of ticks increases the risk of infection


They hide in tall grbad on their hosts. They crawl on the legs of pants or shoes to bite at the right place. Still in the green oases of the state capital, Holzbock and Co. are ready for the next bite. This year more than ever. With 443 ticks per 100 square meters, researchers at the Vienna Veterinary University predict more than double that the year before

The number of ticks increases the risk of infection with l. tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease. However, the risk can be reduced if the arachnid is quickly removed again without crushing his body.

However, Edmund Entinger does not comment on the effects on vaccination numbers based on the prognosis of researchers: "Our numbers are largely unchanged from the previous year The health service will be vaccinated until the mid-July at the promotional price, but even after the administration of the serum. "At regular intervals, there is almost 100% protection," says Entinger

. However, the vaccine only protects against TBE Viral disease of the central nervous system causes flu-like symptoms after an incubation period of seven to ten days After an interval of five days without fever, there is an increase in fever accompanied by meningitis, Severe headache and stiff neck "In severe cases, brain tissue can be affected, which can lead to permanent neurological damage and rarely death," says Entinger

. second disease transmitted by ticks, can be treated only by antibiotic therapy. He runs crawling in several phases. "A few days to a few weeks after the infection, a reddish skin appearance of approximately the palm of the hand can occur, which gradually spreads around the tick point and then disappears again, "says the doctor. The diagnosis is made by the detection of antibodies in the blood. In the early stages, complete treatment is possible.

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