"The only shit": a DHL employee loses his nerves in the customer dialogue


panorama "The only shit"

DHL employee loses his nerves in customer dialogue

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The crazy tweet of a DHL employee The crazy tweet of a DHL employee

The crazy tweet of a DHL employee

Source: DHL / Twitter

"Back to mom up to the chest", should he go away, the DHL man with the abbreviation "SI" attacked against a user who had been complains publicly on Twitter. The parcel service provider has consequences.

eA DHL parcel service member reacted a bit diplomatically. The social media man has visibly lost his temper following a Twitter client's protest.

The man was mobilizing under the official profile of DHL: "The only shit here is your roar!" Presumably (as we have demonstrably shown in the standard delivery) to perceive as "fixed data", the frontier is already very great on the loss of reality. Now back to mom's chest! "

What happened? The Twitter user "ShortByteYT" had publicly complained about the parcel service, but he apparently had not received any parcels, even though he was on the delivery date. This was rude on Twitter, announced the Meedia service.

This seems to be a virtual dispute over the delivery, as shown by the following tweet from the DHL employee – he wrote: "We do not start our respectful request by: What is & # 39; 39 a shit ?! " – I just reflected how you affect me. So, you do not seem to like yourself and so it was time for someone to think about you. "

The fact that behind the profile actually hid an employee of the company confirmed the reaction of DHL. A spokesman apologized, "This reaction and the relationships with our company's customers violate all our principles regarding the polite, objective and constructive handling of customer inquiries and complaints. than we sincerely apologize to our client, "he told Meedia. Now consider the consequences of labor law. The employee is no longer used in direct customer contact. In the meantime, DHL wrote on Twitter that she "had already suffered consequences".

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