The perfect scene for Horst Seehofer


H Orst Seehofer is visibly pleased. "I am happy to return to my homeland," said the Minister of the Interior and smiled relaxedly. There has been a paradigm shift in migration policy. Seehofer sits on the podium of the final press conference of the Informal Meeting of EU Ministers of the Interior in Innsbruck. He is allowed to sit next to the EU Commissioner for Migration, Dimitris Avramopoulos, and the host, Austrian Interior Minister, Herbert Kickl. Other EU ministers do not appear anymore.

The fact that Seehofer is on stage makes sense. Finally, it plays a major role in ensuring that the Austrians can advance the debate on migration in their favor during their presidency of the EU over the next six months. That's Seehofer, who put so much pressure on Chancellor Angela Merkel with her plans to repudiate the migrants on the Austrian-Bavarian border, that she convinced EU colleagues at the summit two weeks ago to make a profound change of course Migration policy Summit resolutions offer Austrians an ideal model. Seehofer was always present in Innsbruck, he delivered a real performance. After the weeks spent in Berlin, the meeting was an ideal opportunity to take a stand

Seehofer and his two badociates in the "Coalition of the Willing", the Italian Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini (Lega Nord) and the Austrian Herbert. Kickl (FPÖ), the majority of EU ministers of the Interior were able to come together behind their journey to start concrete work to develop border closure measures. Although it's not clear at the center points how exactly they can work. For example, Kickl-designated North African reception centers as "landing platforms" – after all, no state in the region has yet agreed to do so. And also on how exactly they want to deal with rescue vessels in the Mediterranean, she could not agree. But it is remarkable that the 28 countries focus on border security rather than on reforming the Dublin system, with a solid distribution of refugees.

A small group of states, including Portugal, France and Luxembourg, criticized Although the discussions that Austria and like-minded partners a "border badism" erlägen. Humanity must not be lost sight of, as should the reform of the Dublin system, a participant reported. But critics are in the minority. "There is a very broad consensus to put the emphasis on border management," Austrian Interior Minister Kickl said at the final conference. Neither Seehofer nor Avramopoulos contradicted it.

But Seehofer tried again and again to differentiate himself from the Salvini and Kickl allies, while designating humanity. "We are for the sake of order and also for humanity, both belong together, we must have control and control, but as a democratic community, we must also ensure that people living or persecuted in a war zone are also protected here. "

Thus, migration policy opens to politicians from two right-wing nationalist parties For Seehofer, this course is not completely risk-free Herbert Kickl , member of the FPÖ, dream of a migration policy that has little to do with international law.Kickl has visions that go far beyond the decisions of the EU.

One day said Kickl, no asylum application should be made in Europe except in neighboring countries – "flying commissions" could visit refugee camps and grant asylum to those who need it most. , only those whose values ​​"suit us" d should receive asylum. The FPÖ repeatedly quotes migrants and terrorism, giving the impression that every migrant is a security risk Matteo Salvini Lega Nord's party is also known for its xenophobic failures. The "party" must now be pbaded for illegal migrants, he said recently.

In Innsbruck, Seehofer certainly has no hesitation in presenting himself with both. Wednesday night, after a bilateral conversation with Salvini, he will appear before the press Thursday morning with Salvini and Kickl after a conversation with three people. For the photo, all three join hands, like football players, before they take a break. The Bavarian needs not only influence in Brussels. He also needs them concretely for his election campaign

Seehofer wants to enter into bilateral agreements with both countries, so that he can reject asylum seekers whose procedures are already in Austria or in Italy on the Bavarian-Austrian border as soon as possible, However, Austria only wants to participate if Italy does so too, otherwise a lot of asylum seekers coming from Italy would simply stay in Austria.

Matteo Salvini is the key figure: only when he agrees to take back asylum seekers. Salvinis conditions: More solidarity in the distribution of incoming refugees, new rules in the rescue of the sea. But the concrete results did not exist, not even with Kickl.

Discussions about internal migration are difficult and complex, said Seehofer. He is still hoping for a solution to the expected deadline in early August – or Seehofer, but must make the national solo effort.

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