"The time of spaghetti": according to Hofreiter, Helge Schneider fool of Lanz


panorama "The time of spaghetti"

After Hofreiter Helge Schneider fools also Lanz

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Helge Schneider – actor, composer, musician, entertainer and draftsman

Helge Schneider describes himself as an actor, composer, musician, entertainer and draftsman. Not only is he considered an improvisational talent, but he also likes the irony of watching on his social networks.

Helge Schneider is considered a master of calculated nonsense. With Markus Lanz, the improvisational artist has not failed to give a set aside to politicians and presenters.

BSchneider is a man who has always been able to say a lot with very few words. Especially if they seem insane. "We live in a time of spaghetti," Schneider told Markus Lanz's (ZDF) program. He did not know if everyone knew it, but the universe was driven into a black hole. That's why everything becomes longer.

After discussing the current political situation and the success of the Greens with Anton Hofreiter (Greens) and the historian and author Christopher Clark, Lanz wanted to know from Schneider if he could imagine a life of politician.

"I'm not in any party," said Schneider ("cat loo", "There is rice, baby"). He also could not say what position he would like to have if he did it. "Chancellor, agree, agree, it's different." In addition to abolishing double funding in health care, he would first introduce the diesel – then fly to Mars. The only problem is that there will probably be no more chancellor, because "we got used to a chancellor".

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Once, as the self-proclaimed "Swingende Herrentorte" said, he went to a party. But only because he wanted to get a rehearsal room in the basement of their building. He was still very young. But did not work, neither with the party nor with the rehearsal room. Today, the problem is this: "I appear, it's my policy, my way of making a political statement. Many politicians take me as an example. "

Apart from that, he knew of no party that suited him. "Even as a green man, I would feel too old, would not it be another part … Gray Panther maybe." In this gag, even Schneider has to laugh.

"We have green seniors," Hofreiter interrupted with a serious expression.

"Old does not seem discriminating." Antik "is also a good word," said Schneider and declined with thanks.

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Schneider claimed to know neither Friedrich Merz nor Jens Spahn. "Well, by name, I know exactly what they want, but at the moment I'm too blatant, something is wrong, it's such a skid, I miss this vertical. around. "

Lanz: "And Anton Hofreiter?"

Schneider: "If he's sitting here, of course, he's sitting up straight." Hofreiter's heart is on the tongue, that seems to be important.

Then Schneider was still talking about the Ruhr area, which he always called home, "though: my house really changes extremely". Not only because the last mine is closed. In particular, the disused city centers, created by large shopping centers located in the greenery, employ it. "Everything is smoother, if you go through the city centers, there's usually nothing left, he could not stand that consumption." We first had Halloween and now Black Friday, which became a Monday. black."

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He also has problems with this Christmas culture. Unfortunately, the children – Schneider has six – have always wanted this electronic waste. "Today, you can not help but let him go, it's very difficult to distinguish himself from being a Mormon." Besides, he could not stand this music.

"I like to hear such a kitsch, but I've always had a penchant for cheap pop music," Lanz said.

And Schneider would not be a tailor if he did not use this model. "I almost thought about it," he says. And without even moving a facial muscle.

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