The transit centers: the CDU, the CSU and the SPD fight for an agreement


In fact, it is in opposition to worry about the government in the general debate. However, this government does not need opposition to the dispute. This Wednesday in the Bundestag, the leader of the SPD is angry with her coalition partners.

After a good start, the government engine stammered, complains Andrea Nahles. With their dispute over refugee policy, the CDU and the CSU have seriously hindered the work of the government. There is no new situation on this topic since spring.

The SPD is upset. First of all, the Union would believe itself to be dead, then find in the last second a compromise that the Social Democrats should now approve. Here, according to the charge of the comrades, it was at the heart of a few people a day. Talk about three border crossings between Germany and Austria. And yet, the CSU makes as it were the most pressing problem of Germany

  Angela Merkel, leader of the SPD parliamentary group Andrea Nahles (in the Bundestag)

DPA [19659007] Angela Merkel, leader of the SPD parliamentary group Andrea Nahles (in the Bundestag)

Thursday evening, the leaders of the CDU, the CSU and the SPD want to meet on the coalition committee – for the third time this week . This time, there should be an agreement. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer was optimistic Wednesday: "I think we will meet again," said the head of the CSU.

For this to succeed, the Union must still move. Because the SPD made it clear that the Seehofer compromise and Chancellor Angela Merkel was not just about contributing. It's a "very, very narrow document," said SPD expert Burkhard Lischka. For his party, it is a "reasonable, sustainable and legal concept".

What does this mean in plain language? What are discussing Union and SPD? And where is there already a match? The main points at a glance:

The second point of the EU compromise stipulates that "transit centers must be set up, from which asylum seekers are rejected in the countries concerned ". The SPD immediately clarified that the term can not be used with them. Because the Social Democrats have already blocked in 2015, a proposal from the CSU, the "Transitzonen" planned.

The SPD admits that the current situation is not comparable to the exceptional situation in 2015. The number of refugees in question is in Bavaria, according to information of the SPD currently five per day. From "Peanuts numbers" speaks the head of the former SPD Martin Schulz. Nevertheless, the name Transitzentren will disappear. Maybe the CDU and the CSU have even integrated the price since the beginning.

A new name does not seem to be found yet. Interior expert SPD Lischka put the term "express centers" into play, but even that does not seem to have prevailed in his party.

However, from the point of view of the SPD, a new name is not enough. "There will be no closed camps with us," said party leader Nahles. Refugees behind fences, barbed wire, bars – exactly these images should not exist.

No one wants to set up camp, the head of the Fraction Volker Kauder Union told the Bundestag on Wednesday. Only: if you want to return refugees to other EU countries, you must always place them under police surveillance.

But this should be the case for up to 48 hours, as pointed out Wednesday MM. Seehofer and Merkel. "That says the Basic Law," said the Chancellor in the ARD program "show the color."

Article 104 of the Basic Law states: "The police can not, on its own authority, more than the end of the day own custody." After the expiration of this period, the persons in quest for protection should be allowed to enter the country normally and, for example, to be conducted in reception centers

  • Federal Police

According to Seehofer, the federal police should be responsible. Their existing facilities, such as Pbadau, Rosenheim or Munich Airport, could be used, reports the newspapers of the German editorial network, citing CSU circles.

The advantage: nothing new to build. Which, however, is hardly worth it with five people a day.

Merkel also pointed out that in transit centers, which should not be called at the end, there should be separate areas for women and children. The whole procedure is consistent with the applicable law, said the Chancellor in reference to the airport procedure

  • Compensation of the SPD

It is clear that the Social Democrats can not easily reject the compromise of l & # 39; Union. They ask for a price. And there is still the plan in five points, decided Monday the SPD Board

A success of the SPD already seems clear: the law on immigration comes. The leader of the faction, Kauder, confirmed Wednesday. It should be presented to the Bundestag before the end of the year

Although the project is also part of the coalition agreement, the SPD has learned in past alliances that this does not automatically mean a implemented.

Five-point plans could feed the compromise on asylum with the Union. This is especially important for Nahles to sell the possible deal as a success.

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What does it mean if the colored areas in the graphs overlap?

In our graphs, the statistical error is represented by a colored interval. This interval shows the uncertainty badociated with a survey score. For example, on the Sunday issue, you can not tell exactly how much percent a party would get in a poll, but specify an interval where the result is likely to be. If the intervals of two survey values ​​overlap, then, strictly speaking, no statement about the difference can be made. With regard to the Sunday question, it means: If the poll numbers of the two parties are so close that their error intervals overlap, it is not possible to deduce which of the it works best at the election

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Who's behind Civey?

At this point, readers of the application and the mobile / stationary site have the opportunity to participate in a representative Civey survey. Civey is an online polling institute based in Berlin. The start-up cooperates with various partners, including SPIEGEL ONLINE as well as "Tagesspiegel", "Cicero", "Freitag" and Civey is funded by the ProFit Financing Program of Berlin Investitionsbank and the European Regional Development Fund . [ad_2]
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