The vaccine is already rare!


If you want to escape the flu epidemic in 2018 and get vaccinated, this could be difficult because there are already bottlenecks in the delivery.


  1. Before the flu outbreak of 2018, the vaccine will be rare
  2. Reason for vaccine deficiency
  3. Some regions are without vaccines

Before the flu outbreak of 2018, the vaccine will be rare

Nobody expected: the flu epidemic of 2018 is not really in the starting blocks, because the vaccine is already rare. More than 15 million doses have been released, according to the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), which is responsible for vaccines. But that is not enough because there are already bottlenecks in many areas. The bad thing about it: The production is already finished, so there is no more supply. Anyone who has not been vaccinated can go out empty handed.

Reason for vaccine deficiency

The reason for the lack of drugs for vaccination is the great rush to influenza vaccines. Since this year, for the first time, the health insurance companies bear the cost of the quadruple vaccine, more Germans are vaccinated than in previous years.In addition, it was announced in April that the funds support the costs of the tetravalent vaccine. Previously, they only paid for the triple vaccine. The manufacturers had only a few months to stimulate the production of the quadruple vaccine, which was clearly too short.

Some regions are without vaccines

Susanne Stöcker, Prince Edward Island, said in an interview with RTL: "There are areas where there are no problems, but we also get the message that no vaccine should In any case, the doctor must first ask several pharmacies and several wholesalers, as this may even give different care from one city to another. "She also asks the doctors and pharmacists fill out a form on the PEI home page. If more vaccine is available in the area. The institute will then take up the problem in collaboration with the manufacturers.

Learn more:

What brings a vaccine against the flu?

Innocuous cold or true flu: what's the difference?

Abandoned cold: when viruses kill us


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