The widow of Liu Xiaobo left: "Thanks to Germany Thank you to Chancellor Merkel"



Liu Xiaobo's widow left "Thanks to Germany Thanks to Chancellor Merkel"

| Liu Xiaobo, the widow of the late Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo “/>   Liu Xia, the widow of the late Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo

Liu Xia, the widow of the late Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo


Chinese opposition activists celebrate on the Internet that the widow of civil rights activist Liu Xiaobo has emigrated to West Germany. A confidant calls his release "the greatest gift".

N After eight years of hiding and house arrest, Liu Xia, widow of Nobel Peace Prize and civil rights activist Liu Xiaobo, who died in July 2017, left Beijing for Germany . Despite a breakdown of information imposed by Chinese leaders, the information was quickly communicated to dissidents Tuesday noon local time

Gao Yu, author of five years in prison and under surveillance, said : "In two days the death of her husband Xiaobo." My tears flow. "Many poems published on the Internet by Liu Xia

Hu Jia, Beijing dissident, friend of the 57-year-old artist, said to WELT that he had released his younger brother Liu Hui via the WeChat Short Message Service. experimented. Hu Jia called his departure "the greatest gift" for Liu Xia. It was the "greatest wish" of her husband, who died in a detention center on July 13, 2017, to be allowed to leave the country and enjoy a freedom that had been granted to her. refused by Chinese leaders

. who is not allowed to leave – wrote on WeChat that her sister had flown to Europe "to start a new life.I thank everyone who has helped and cared for her in recent years. I call our parents (who no longer live, that is, Red) and my brother-in-law: do not worry anymore and continue to protect them, I wish him a future life in safety and security. happiness "

  Photo of Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia in 2002

Photo of Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia in 2002

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Beijin g secretly sent Liu Xia to the airport on Tuesday. A day after German-Chinese intergovernmental consultations in Berlin led by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

China promotes a common way to Berlin

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The Fifth German-Chinese Intergovernmental Consultations have begun in Berlin. China has called on the EU to join forces in the trade dispute with the United States, but this also entails risks.

Source: WELT / Michael Wüllenweber

During her recent visits to China, Merkel repeatedly referred to Liu Xia's fate over President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Li – without getting answers. The embbady of Germany immediately issued a visa to Liu Xia to allow him to leave as quickly as possible. Among the poems published on the Internet are many comments like this: "Thanks to Germany, thanks to Chancellor Merkel."

Liu Xia was repeatedly blocked in her house arrest in Beijing. The departure had been promised for months by senior security officials. The Foreign Ministry has publicly pledged international protests against knowing that Liu Xia is a free citizen and that there is no house arrest in China. In this respect, their departure was also surprising for their closest friends.

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