The Wild Sweep of His Enemies by Donald Trump – Politics Abroad


Back from his Thanksgiving holiday, he fights: US President Donald Trump (72). After quiet days with his family in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, he immediately went to the roundabout: he sat down with his unpopular "Washington Post" for an interview.

Trump is at war with his owner and founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos. Until now, he had refused to speak to the capital's newspaper, which in 1973 brought President Richard Nixon to the case of the Watergate revelations.

In his interview, he put tremendous pressure on the head of the independent US Federal Reserve, which he installed himself. He also rejected the climate report of his own researchers last week.

He also justified his decision to keep Prince Mohammed Bin-Salman, a prince of Saudi horror. And he threatened to break off his meeting with Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin.

What's behind his scan?

Criticism of the US Federal Reserve by Trump

"I'm closing the market and I'm not supported by the Fed," criticized Fed Chairman Jerome H. "Jay" Powell, whom he had installed last February. Reason: he had increased interest rates.

"I have an instinct, and my instinct often tells me more than the brain of someone else can tell me." Until now, I am not at all satisfied with my choice of Jay. Not a little. The Fed is wrong, "continued Trump to attack the central bank.

What Trump did not mention: The Fed is – just like American courts – independent of the White House. Their job is not to support a government's agenda, but to support the country's economy in the long run. The presidents therefore avoid questioning the policy of the Fed.

Remarkable: Trump came into conflict with Powell after being touched by the new uncertainty on Wall Street and by the announcement by the US giant of the GM car to fire thousands of workers.

For Trump, it's clear: if it goes up, it's up to him to decide. If that breaks down, others are to blame.

Cancellation to its climatologists

Ironically, while the United States was on Thanksgiving holiday and Black Friday, a climate study released Friday in Washington said global warming was already costing billions of dollars a year in the United States. And if action is not taken immediately, the consequences for agriculture and waterfront owners would be catastrophic.

The explosive: The study had been created by more than 300 experts, mandated by Trump's own administration.

And the president? Stayed stubborn! "I do not see that," he said to the question of whether people were responsible for climate change. His intriguing logic: "When you look at our air and our water, it's just cleaner than ever."

Plain: Trump contradicts the National Climate Report, created by his own experts.

Trump is concerned about his economic boom and his base: During the election campaign, he had repeatedly pledged to push coal mining again. Objective: "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs."

His warning to Putin (and to Germany)

Unusually clear lyrics: Trump addresses this time to Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin's boss, whom he rarely attacks otherwise. Asked about the newly resurrected conflict in the Black Sea between Russia and Ukraine, he said: "I am waiting for a full report".

And then about a possible summit meeting: "Maybe I will not meet him.I do not like aggression.I do not want such aggression.Not at all.

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Photo: Document / Getty Images

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Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin at their meeting on November 11, 2018 in ParisPhoto: Document / Getty Images

Finally, he had a message for Germany and the EU: "Europe should not like these aggressions.And Germany should not like the aggression."

Trump pursued several goals here: he wants to demonstrate that he's not a puppet Putin. And it has wiped out Europe, and especially that of Germany, because they themselves would do too little against the course of Russian aggression. A clear reminder that they should spend more on the defense and no longer rely on the United States as a protector.

Attack against the CIA

The president also questioned the badessment of his secret service that his 33-year-old Saudi successor, Mohammed bin-Salman, had sponsored the bestial badbadination of dissident Jamal Khashoggi at the embbady. the monarchy in Istanbul, Turkey, early October.

Trump literally: "Maybe he did it.Maybe not." The American president continues: "He denies it.And the CIA has not insisted that it I did not say that they say he did not do it, but they did not say it with certainty. "

Message: Trump wants sheikhs to be a partner in oil production. Because the rise in energy prices would put additional pressure on the US economy. On the other hand, the Saudis are his most important ally in the fight against the mullahs' regime in Iran.

Withdrawing troops from the Middle East

The president also suggested in an interview that US troops in the region in crisis should be withdrawn. "Why are we here," he asked. "One of the reasons is Israel, on the other hand, oil is less and less a reason, because we are producing more than ever before, we are coming to a point where you are no longer forced to stay there."

Means: Another concession at its base. During the election campaign, he had repeatedly said that the United States should give up its role as a police officer in the world and that other countries would be forced to defend themselves in the future .

And another reason why he is a Saudi heir to the throne, Mohammed bin-Salman. Because the Saudis are supposed to make sure with Israel that the mullahs of Tehran are controlled.

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