This occurs with the body with the abstinence of the meat


In Germany, about 10% of the population lives in a vegetarian cuisine, without meat. The number is quite low compared, for example, to India: nearly 40% of the population consuming meat has been spared. The development in Germany is however enormous: in 2016, just over 1% of Germans had removed meat from their diet.

Risk of cancer: reduction of abstinence from meat

Science has long been concerned with whether a renunciation of meat has a positive, negative or no influence on our body. For example, a US study examined the relationship between diet and mortality. The results speak quite clear language, as the vegetarian badociation ProVeg e. V. Noted: Compared to meat eaters, vegetarians should actually have a longer life expectancy, a half mortality rate and a lower risk of developing cancer.

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Vegetarian: No lack of nutrients

These studies deal with the consequences of a diet without meat for years. There are often rumors that vegetarians must take extra vitamins in the form of tablets to compensate for the abstinence of meat. The AOK informs that this does not necessarily have to be the case.

Nutrients of animal origin are sometimes better absorbed by the human body, but those who pay attention to their diet should not be afraid of suffering from a lack of nutrients in the body. abstinence from meat.

Vitamin D deficiency: sweet potatoes and sunbaths

The meat contains, among other things, proteins, as well as various vitamins, which can be replaced by a balanced diet. Legumes can absorb protein, for example by consuming enough carbohydrates, which helps to avoid a lack of protein. Vitamin D is the vitamin produced by the sun of our body. It is also found in foods of animal origin such as fish or liver. But also by sweet potatoes or mushrooms, we can absorb this vitamin. Coupled with many sunbaths, vegetarians can avoid vitamin D deficiency.

Strong immune system: spinach and bananas

By the way, vitamin B6 – responsible for amino acid metabolism and positive for the immune system – is also easy to replace when it comes to eating meat: potatoes, spinach, bananas and avocados contain a lot of vitamin B6. Alpha-linolenic acid, on the other hand, is more difficult to replace because it is found mainly in meat or fish oils. But the oil of nuts and rapeseed contains this acid, which is notably responsible for the elasticity of the cell membrane.

Renunciation of meat does not have to be synonymous with lack of nutrients. Those who pay attention to their diet, know what their body needs and eat important vitamins through other foods, even in case of brutal renunciation of meat, without physical inconvenience.

Also interesting:
Set up a kitchen for vegetarians and vegans

From RND / Heidi Becker

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