This really simple puzzle lets Internet desperate


The solution to the problem is below – but try it!

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"What has 3 letters, sometimes 8 letters, but never 7 letters": this riddle leaves many desperate on the internet – but the solution is so simple!

Munich – The tricky puzzles are much older than the Internet. But thanks to the WWW, they often spread in no time. And let people all over the world sometimes despair – then burst with joy when they have found the solution.

So it's recently with a puzzle that users of* gone crazy – in the end, a math teacher had to run to write the possible solutions on the board.

But now, let us show you a completely different puzzle. An English version, painted on a sign or typed at Reddit, has hit many online users in recent months.

In order to avoid the small language barrier, we have designed the German version for you:

What is 3 letters,

sometimes 8 letters,

but never 7 letters

Of course, we could tell you right away the result of the puzzle. But a little we have to put you on torture – otherwise it would be too easy. That's why you will find here a complete paragraph with rather empty text, which simply serves to separate the puzzle from the resolution. Have you thought carefully? Did you find the result? Or do you prefer to think a little more about it? Decide for yourself when to read the next paragraph.

resolution: The resolution is very simple. Most make the mistake of reading it all as a question. This is not at all. And there is no question mark at the end. Well, it sounds? They must understand the sentence as a statement, a statement. And if the knot still has not burst: the word "was" has three letters, the word "sometimes" eight letters, the word "never" seven letters. We said that it was easy.

Not enough puzzles yet? Then, try this text task for 14-year-old math geniuses. Or watch the so-called favorite question of Tesla boss Elon's music.


* is part of the national digital publishing network Ippen.

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