Thousands protest for the release of G20 protesters | TIME ONLINE


Hamburg's left-wing scene has several actions on this subject
Conflicting meetings of major industrial and emerging economies
recalled a year ago. At the New Horse Market gathered loud Saturday night
Police about 2,300 people; the organizers talked about 3000 participants. They played until midnight accompanied by techno music
the Schanzenviertel. Before that had become
a hundred people involved in a bicycle demonstration.

"Until now,
Everything went smoothly, "said a police spokesman.
scheduled a course without problem. There was not much in the streets
To see a team of security forces.

The organizers criticize the cessation of the lawsuits against the police

"Let our people finally liberate and arrest the protesters of the G20
to hunt down to the last corners of the republic, while all the procedures
against police officers who beat us "
Emily Laquer of the left interventionist called
Rally. The organization was strong with the Red Construction
Constitutional protection firmly committed, ready for violence
Mobilize leftist extremists for the G20 protests in Hamburg.

Minister of the Interior
Andy Grote (SPD) had the scene on the left recently before the new
The riots warned. "Better to avoid Hamburg," said
he. Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) had a Tuesday
Warning to Red Flora pronounced: "If it comes from the Red Flora
violence, so we go there. "

The summit meeting
of the world's major economic powers in July 2017 was mbadive by
The riots
were eclipsed. The rioters fired many cars
turned on and attacked several patrol cars.
Latest information from
According to police and firefighters, 797 police officers have been deployed
wounded. Senator from the Grote Interior put the damage in the public space
with 200,000 euros, private owners with 10,8 million euros.

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