Thus, hepatitis can be treated and avoided


Hepatitis is treatable. We present treatment options and how to avoid them.

Diagnosis: detection of liver inflammation

Many different symptoms may indicate inflammation of the liver, which is why a visit to the family doctor is worth being suspected. Thanks to a blood picture, you can quickly obtain information and take appropriate action if necessary.
At the beginning of the examination, the family doctor will inform about possible changes and symptoms that patients may complain about. This so-called story allows him to better badess the patient's condition and to initiate further investigations. The investigations needed to detect liver inflammation are discussed briefly below.

Also, read how to recognize liver inflammation, and what forms and causes exist:

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Hepatitis: Causes, Forms, Symptoms [19659008] All you need to know about inflammation of the liver

Blood test

A blood test can be used to determine the values ​​of certain liver enzymes In the blood picture, this increase is usually visible in the GOT (AST) and GPT (ALT) values.The value of bilirubin (yellow bile pigment) can also be increased.
In addition, it can be tested to detect antibodies in the blood at a Hepatitis virus and, if present, the diagnosis is confirmed for inflammation of the liver inflammation is already advanced, is also possible.

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Phy Review

If there are any obvious symptoms and pains that indicate hepatitis, a physical examination will also take place. Here, the doctor will specifically examine the upper abdomen specifically to determine pressure pain or enlargement of the liver and / or spleen. In addition, the doctor will look for the first signs of jaundice in this investigation.

Ultrasound (ultrasound)

If suspicion is confirmed, an ultrasound of the liver follows. Here, the size and structure of the liver can be recorded and clbadified accurately.
Any change in the liver that goes beyond simple inflammation can be badyzed with precision. If the liver begins to shrink as a result of chronic inflammation (cirrhosis of the liver) or tumors have formed (liver cancer) can be seen by ultrasound.

Hepatic Tissue Sample (Biopsy)

Subsequent tissue sampling gives the physician additional information about the nature and progression of hepatic inflammation. The sample is examined in the laboratory and it is then possible to make accurate statements about the severity of the inflammation and the extent of healing of the liver.

Treatment of Hepatitis

Depending on the extent and cause of liver inflammation, another form of treatment may be considered. If the person is in acute hepatitis, it usually heals alone if the patient takes care of him. Here, often, only accompanying symptoms, such as vomiting or body aches, are treated and temporary bed rest is prescribed. Acute hepatitis A and E are almost never chronic and completely cure in most cases.
It is important that those concerned refrain from consuming alcohol and painkillers such as acetaminophen because the degradation affects the liver. In addition, special attention should be paid to diets rich in carbohydrates but low in fat so as not to overload the liver. Support with special herbs from the liver can have a positive effect on liver recovery.

Watch the video to learn more about the herbs that help our body in what condition:

Acute hepatitis B and C can be chronic. This is the case of hepatitis C in 50 to 85% of cases. Of course, the treatment still aims to cure the acute inflammation of the liver before it becomes chronic. Here, the above measurements are used.
If a chronic course has nevertheless occurred, it is necessary to resort to pharmacotherapy. Meanwhile, even for people with hepatitis C, there are medications that can allow complete healing in most cases. Even the tissue changes of the liver at the beginning of liver cirrhosis can now be well treated and sometimes even cured.
All other types of hepatitis can usually be cured by eliminating the cause that triggered inflammation of the liver. The renunciation of alcohol or weight reduction through a low-fat diet in a fatty hepatitis, ensure that the liver can regenerate itself.

Note: Although the liver has a good regenerative capacity, inflammation of the liver should not be underestimated. It can heal on its own, but in many cases it must also be treated with medication. Since the liver suffers silently and does not always indicate obvious symptoms of acute hepatitis, it can quickly lead to chronic evolution. In addition, the liver, an essential element for our body organ, which can be replaced in liver failure only by a transplant. Otherwise, the patient dies.

Also interesting: Preventing liver disease: How to protect the important organ

Prevention and tips

Against hepatitis A and B, there is a protective vaccine, which in many cases is. Since hepatitis A and E are transmitted mainly through drinking water or contaminated food, you should pay special attention to hygiene. Empty tap water before drinking, avoid raw foods, ice cubes and seafood and make sure the meat is still cooked thoroughly. As with all infectious diseases, hand hygiene is of great importance here.
Hepatitis B and C are mainly transmitted by contact with blood or body fluids, such as sperm or saliva. Avoid direct contact by wearing disposable gloves and using condoms. In addition, personal hygiene items such as nail scissors, toothbrushes or razors are high risk and should not be shared.
You can also take the following tips to support your liver:

  • and Medications and Preparations for Stress
  • Reducing Obesity Through a Balanced and Low-Fat Diet
  • Sufficient Physical Activity
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