Ticks in Baden-Württemberg: the risk of TBE increases – Baden-Württemberg


By red / dpa / lsw

  Ticks can cause diseases such as EFT. Photo: dpa

Ticks can trigger diseases like GSF.

Photo: dpa

Baden-Württemberg is considered a tick-borne tick-borne encephalitis risk area. The weather of the last weeks was very convenient for small animals – with consequences for humans.

Stuttgart – With a high number of ticks, the risk of developing tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) increases in the southwest. "Summer temperatures and rainfall in recent weeks have led to ideal conditions for ticks," said the State Health Bureau of Baden-Wuerttemberg. The animals are therefore more active and have increased more – thus increasing the number of ticks that carry the TBE virus itself.

During the first half of the year, 99 cases of TBE were reported in Baden-Württemberg. Last year, there were only 81 cases during the same period. However, according to experience, the state health department expects even more cases in the second half of the year. Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria are considered risk areas for the disease, which can cause meningitis or paralysis and lead to death. According to the National Board of Health, this can be attributed to the environment: "There are more areas in Baden-Württemberg than anywhere else, where people like to spend time in beautiful nature and can also come into contact with infected ticks in various herds. "

With 13 FSME cases, Ravensburg District is the leader in the Southwest. The reasons for this situation are unknown to either the local health service or the public health department. "It's not that the population here is less vaccinated than in other counties," said Helga Hengge of the Ravensburg Health Authority. The vaccination rate is 20 to 25%. Enlightenment, for example in Gemeindeblättern, is important to protect the population in the district. Above all, full body screening is essential after a day outdoors.

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