Tobias Hans: "Then the well-known party system fails"


reSaarland Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) sees the traditional party system at risk due to open conflict in the federal government. "If the popular parties do not succeed in putting themselves in coalition, this system of well-tried parties fails," said Hans of the "Rheinische Post".

When asked why the CDU stumbled as a popular party, he said: "The balance is not fair in the eyes of the people because disputes within the federal government cover the work. " The coalition of the Union and the SPD urgently need to improve their cooperation and may not bite into the personnel affairs.

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Schadenfeude about the SPD's poor performance at the state election in Bavaria, where social democratic voters as well as the CSU have obtained a brutal reminder failed, believes that Hans does not recognize their own confession. "The SPD single-digit result in Bavaria can make everyone happy, we need stable popular festivals."

Also in Hesse, the Union and the SPD are threatening to crash

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Before the general elections in Hesse, the results of the polls for the People's Parties are back in the cellar. Chancellor Merkel promotes her party and warns against leftist experiences.

Source: WORLD / Larissa Keller

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