Toni Kroos: Big changes – Suspicious mail feeds rumors


Toni Kroos at a Real Madrid press conference

© dpa / Sven Hoppe

The departure of Toni Kroos in Madrid hurts FCB's eyes today, almost everything would have come differently. Meanwhile, big changes in Kroos indicate.

Update of November 29, 2018: Toni Kroos is known not only as a successful footballer, but also as a family man. He even immortalized the faces of his children in the form of tattoos on his body. Now 28, he shared a photo on Instagram showing his kids with bubbles. "Where is the third?" Asks the five-year-old girl in the picture. His sister responds with a speech bubble: "Do not worry, he will be born next year." What does Kroos mean to his fans with this suspicious message? Is the 2014 world champion expecting new blood? A son? Maybe a future world champion?

News of November 26, 2018

Munich – Toni Kroos is currently one of the best footballers in the world, there are no two opinions. However, FC Bayern did not consider it appropriate, at that time, to change the midfield salary. Karl-Heinz Rummenigge had mentioned in this respect the money of the world missing from the player.

Toni Kroos: Karl-Heinz Rummenigge with a big mistake

Meanwhile, even the CEO is aware that he was wrong. Since then, Kroos has been teaching FCB bosses the best and ambading trophies in abundance. To date, the 28-year-old has won the Champions League three times with Real Madrid. Figures that you can only dream of on Säbener Straße.

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Toni Kroos has almost landed at Manchester United

But the midfielder's global career had taken a different direction in the summer of 2013, a year before his transfer to Madrid. Because the German national player is apparently already very concerned about the move to Manchester United – including by a verbal commitment. "We agreed that Toni Kroos will go to Manchester, I met him with his wife and we all agreed when he was in Munich," reveals former Manchester coach David Moyes, on Talksport radio.

Given sports achievements in Madrid, Kroos should be happy to have landed in the Spanish capital.


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