Too little competition ?: Flight cancellations increase dramatically



  The fact that a plane takes off on time, or even never, has long since vanished in Germany

It is no more evident in Germany than a plane take off in time or not at all. Photo: picture alliance / Julian Strate)

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Canceled flights are annoying – especially now in the holiday season. A look at the EUclaim consumer portal statistics now reveals dramatic: The number of failures is increasing tremendously. And that could worsen.

During the high season of the German holiday season, the problems experienced by air travelers increased considerably. This is what the new figures from the EUclaim consumer portal, mentioned by the Süddeutsche Zeitung, show. As a result, 18,749 flights to and from Germany and Germany were canceled in 2018. This represents an increase of 67% over the same period of the previous year. Nearly 5,000 flights were delayed by three hours or more.

Achim Wambach, Chairman of the Monopoly Commission, demands more competition in view of the situation. "The current problems in the aviation market are also the expression of the limited intensity of competition in Germany in the air traffic as a whole," said Achim Wambach of the SZ; He advises the federal government on competition issues. According to Wambach, it would make more sense to auction the departure and landing fees. This would facilitate the entry into the market of potential competitors. Customers would then have more choice, and airlines should offer better services.

A relaxation of the tense situation is currently not in sight. "The problems could even worsen in the coming year," warns Matthias Maas, president of the Air Traffic Control Union (GdF), the newspaper. There were no air traffic controllers. By 2020, several hundred retirees will need replenishment, but training lasts for up to four years, says Maas. He also emphasizes: "The airlines themselves are responsible for most delays because they are distracted by their own problems."

Travel agencies complain about the damage caused by the image

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