Tourism: 17 dead in the sinking of a boat tour in the United States


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  Rescuers are looking for a lake in the state of Missouri   Rescuers are looking for a lake in the state of Missouri

Rescuers are looking for a lake in the state of Missouri State of Missouri


An Amphibious Vehicle in a Violent Storm

E A Midwestern Lake Merry-Go-round United States came to a tragic end: 17 people were killed when the boat got under way on Thursday. Several children are among the victims.

The boat tour on Table Rock Lake, Missouri, was stunned by the storm. The video of an eyewitness shows how the boat has unsuccessfully tried to reach the shore in the fight against strong winds. He was then pushed by the high waves and sank.

The unlucky boat was a so-called amphibious vehicle. These vehicles can both go ashore and swim. On board, according to the authorities were 31 people. Several managed to reach the shore. According to the local police chief, Doug Rader, the detainees of another larger boat, also on the lake, jumped into the water to rescue the victims

. Until Friday morning (local time), the divers then found the bodies of all the pbadengers of the missing boats, bringing the number of casualties to 17. Among the dead was the boatman. How many children were killed, did not quantify the font initially.

According to eyewitnesses, the storm suddenly came up. "I have spent most of my life here and have never experienced such a storm," said Rick Kettels, owner of a vacation home on the waterfront. [19659009] The US Department of Transportation (NTSB) wanted to send a detective team to the lake on Friday. Unanswered questions included whether the Ripley Entertainment provider had been warned of the approach of the storm and whether the pbadengers were wearing life jackets.

The Table Rock Lake artificial lake near the town of Branson in southern Missouri is a popular tourist destination with many tourist attractions. including "Ride the Ducks" tours offered with amphibious vehicles.

Branson City Hall remained open throughout Friday night to provide a first stopover point for the families of the victims and survivors and their families. "The city of Branson may be small, but it has a big heart," City Council said.

Other Midwestern states were hit by heavy storms Thursday. Several tornadoes in neighboring Iowa injured several people and damaged houses.

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