Trump brings the NATO summit to the brink of failure | TIME ONLINE


Brussels (dpa) – After pressure and threats from US President Donald Trump at the NATO summit Chancellor Angela Merkel conceded concessions on military spending.

If necessary, Germany should do "more," Merkel said after an emergency meeting of the Alliance. Trump was then very satisfied and is now preparing for his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin early next week.

Trump again mbadively harbaded the allies for two days, spending more on defense quickly and reaching the goal of two percent of the economic output of NATO. Germany was particularly in sight because currently only 1.24 percent can be reached and Merkel also has until 2024 only 1.5 percent in perspective.

Finally, Thursday morning, Trump was on the verge of failure. According to diplomats, he threatened in camera that the goal of 2% of the whole of 2019 would be reached or that he "would do his own thing". What exactly meant – troop reductions or even a complete break with NATO

– left the US president in the open session. He did not respond to this later, but only said that the partners "were probably worried".

In fact, the planned process at the NATO summit was rejected and a crisis meeting of the 29 allies was scheduled. Then Trump referred to alleged concrete financial commitments and wrote success on the flags. At the same time, he said: "The US commitment to NATO is very strong, remains very strong."

He told the partners that he would be very unhappy if they did not increase their number. "You have increased it considerably," he said. Germany has also "significantly improved" the timing of the increase in military spending. From an "immediate" increase, which he had also requested via Twitter, he says nothing more. For his statements, there was also no confirmation from the other side. The Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg did not say on request what had been promised on Thursday.

Chancellor Merkel is also vaguely expressed. The discussions on NATO's burden-sharing were a "very serious discussion". Asked about Trump 's threat, she said, "All I can do is summarize the result: a clear commitment from all to NATO and a clear willingness to contribute to the". evolution of security situations. " What other increases in the German military budget, or if the timetable could be streamlined, Merkel opened.

But a new debate seems to begin in Germany. The leader of the faction, Volker Kauder (CDU), told the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" (Friday): "We must reach the best target of 1.5% in this legislature." That would be much earlier than expected: The electoral term ends in 2021 – until now, Germany has the mark for 2024 in sight.

The way in which NATO survives the long-term recurring dispute is open. Sometimes even trading and exchange rates reacted Thursday to the situation completely confused in the alliance, but eventually recovered again.

Secretary-General Stoltenberg downplayed the conflict and called the summit very well. Trump had created pressure on military spending, Stoltenberg said at the conclusion. Since the inauguration of Trump, Canada and its European allies have spent billions of dollars more in defense and have committed to redoubling their efforts.

In fact, NATO wanted to present itself as closed, especially with regard to Russia, considered particularly threatening since the Ukrainian crisis. The Summit declaration speaks of reinforcing the deterrence of the units mobilized particularly rapidly. Trump had since then criticized Germany time and time again for billions of gas imports from Russia – with the argument that NATO's main opponent is boosted by revenue.

However, a few days before meeting Putin in the Finnish capital Helsinki on Monday, the US president spoke in a friendly manner. He hopes for a closer relationship with Putin. "Hopefully one day he could be a friend – could happen," Trump said. Merkel expressed hope for progress in nuclear disarmament. "It would be a good sign for everyone, if there were discussions again," she said.

Final Declaration of the 2018 NATO Summit

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