Trump has ruined the great chance of uniting the United States


Cesar Sayoc sent parcel bombs to several US Democrats and CNN television this week, causing a national crisis. Aged 54, he is a member of the Republican Party. His minibus is "decorated" with pictures of US President Donald Trump, including Vice President Mike Pence and a sticker bearing the inscription "CNN Sucks".

No, Donald Trump is not to blame for the acts of a single citizen. But the attacks on Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Co. result from his rhetoric that he has divided the United States into two political camps since the beginning of the 2016 election campaign: the Republicans and "the enemies of the American people", know the Democrats and the media.

Trump has this week an excellent opportunity to unite the country. His reaction Wednesday, when he strongly condemned the killings in a first statement and promised that he had to "meet and send a very clear message," gave hope. These are the words that we want from a president in a national crisis. However, he only destroyed hope a few hours later when he accused the media of committing a foul on his actions that same evening.

On Friday, after the arrest of suspect Cesar Sayoc in Florida, Trump resumed the attack during his campaign in North Carolina. He beat in front of his fanatical followers, as usual, against the Democrats and attacked the fake "fake media".

From the beginning, the crisis was only a chore for him before the next mid-term elections. This was stressed by Trump in a tweet on Friday morning as he was riddling with "bombs" and expressing concern over the Republican "slowdown" that had slowed down before the mid-point.

And when reporters finally asked him to call Obama and Hillary shortly before the weekend, Trump said, "I think I'll make my way in there." In other words, he does not even want to do the bare minimum, which one can expect from a president: speak with people touched by terrifying attacks.

The United States would have emerged stronger one with the other stronger president this week. With Donald Trump, the country is more fragmented than ever after the bomb package crisis.

Posted on 27.10.2018 | Updated at 04:20

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