Trump threatens to impose heavier obligations: BMW is considering a second US plant



Wednesday, November 28, 2018

As early as next week, US President Trump could impose special tariffs on car imports. This should hit hard German manufacturers. BMW reacts quickly.

BMW is considering a second production plant in the United States. There, engines and transmissions could be made, said company boss Harald Krüger at the Los Angeles auto show. As sales in the United States increase, the company plans to change its processes.

BMW has an badembly plant in South Carolina and plans to open a factory in Mexico next year. In addition, consider modifying the current practices of importing engines and transmissions. We are in a phase where we can think of a second location, said Krüger.

The announcement took place just after the "Wirtschaftswoche" announced that US President Donald Trump could impose special customs duties on car imports next week.


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