Trump wants to deprive critics of security status – politics


  • US President Trump wants to prevent six former Obama administration security officials from gaining access to confidential government information
  • John Brennan, former CIA chief, and James Comey, former head of the FBI. US President Donald Trump has reviewed the security status of his predecessor Barack Obama's employees. He may want to deprive former CIA director John Brennan and five senior security officials of access to confidential government information, said White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee on Monday. Sanders

    . The security status is politicized and, in some cases, has made money. Brennan described Trump's performance after the summit with Russian President Putin as "crime" and "high treason". Putin put it in his pocket, he lamented. Government spokesman Sanders has now criticized, such allegations were unfounded and inappropriate.

    The other five victims would be former FBI director James Comey, former intelligence coordinator James Clapper, former CIA chief Michael Hayden. former security advisor Susan Rice and Andrew McCabe, who was FBI's deputy director under Trump's leadership until March and was later fired. All worked for democratic and republican governments in the United States.

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    Criticism is already provoked by the possible withdrawal of the security status. Some called the movement "unprecedented politicization". It is also not known whether the President has the power to do so. Former Brennan chief of staff, Nick Shapiro, said that the former CIA director had not made money with his security status. It also does not need this "to fix the Trump error". The former intelligence coordinator, Clapper, told CNN that Trump's idea was a revenge for criticizing him. On behalf of the affected people, he said that they had reservations about Trump

    Close Presidential Staffs had problems with security status

    Senate Senate Republican John Cornyn, while sympathizing with the anger of Trump at the Ex-Party officials. At the same time, he could not say they had abused their security status. This is a very serious accusation.

    Democrat MEP Eliot Engel spoke of an ironic case: the government has granted a security status to Trump's family members, although there have been concerns. "To point fingers at others now is ridiculous," said Engel.

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