Tusk asks for more appreciation for his allies | TIME ONLINE


Before the NATO Summit, the President of the Council of the EU Donald Tusk
of US President Donald Trump more appreciation for the
The partners asked. "Dear America, appreciate your allies, for
After all, you do not have that much, said Tusk
after signing a joint declaration
reinforced cooperation between the EU and NATO.

The conflict over defense spending by NATO members puts pressure on this
Peak Meeting of the Military Alliance
to be held Wednesday and Thursday in the
NATO Headquarters in Brussels. The state and
The Heads of Government of NATO had agreed in 2014, in response to the annexation of Crimea by Russia, that all Member States
in their defense spending in 2024, a value of two percent of
Gross Domestic Product At this moment only five
from 29 Member States.

because the allies have the
Two percent target interpreted differently. The US is the
Consider that all NATO countries are the two
Really need to reach percent. From the point of view of the German
The federal government is only concerned about the two percent
head toward.

Germany's defense spending at 1.24% of economic output

Anyway, Germany is coming
does not progress on this point. As NATO announced shortly before the summit,
will be the German defense spends this year
continue to be only 1.24 percent of economic output – as much as 2017.

Tusk nonetheless referred to the financial efforts of the European members of NATO. "Europeans today spend a lot of time on defense,
what Russia spends and as much as China, "said Tusk.
He hopes Trump does not doubt that it is an investment in common security. At the summit, but especially at its meeting scheduled next week with Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin, Trump should
remember how European partners occupy Islamists
The terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 on the United States side confessed
have. Only 870 European men and women would have
the next mission in Afghanistan has left his life. "It's always good too
to know who is a strategic friend and who is a strategic problem ",
Tusk said.

Trump, on the other hand, confirmed his criticism of the other allies before he left for the NATO summit in Brussels . "The United States pays
Many times more than any other country just to protect them. not
just for the American taxpayer, "wrote Trump on Twitter, which is due to arrive in Brussels in the evening.

Prepare to leave for Europe. First meeting – NATO. The United States spends much more than any other country to protect them. Not just for the United States taxpayer. On top of that, we are losing $ 151 trillion on trade with the European Union. Make us pay high prices (and barriers)!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 10. July 2018

accuses other members of NATO for some time, not enough money
invest defense
. He wrote on Twitter: "NATO countries must pay MORE, the United States must pay less!"

NATO countries must pay MORE, the United States has to pay less. Very unfair!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 10. July 2018

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