Tweet in the style "Game of Thrones": Donald Trump irritated by the image on Twitter


Shortly after the US government announced the reinstatement of sanctions against Iran next Monday, Trump released a photo on Twitter – in the manner of a movie poster board. On it: a serious badet in a tie suit, on a blurred background. In addition, in large letters, the words: "The sanctions will arrive – November 5" – in other words: "The sanctions are approaching – November 5".

The words and the font of Trump Tweet are inspired by the fantasy and medieval series "Game of Thrones". There, the phrase "Winter is coming" is a dramatic mantra – the ever-repeated warning of an imminent disaster and the greatest possible calamity. Because the winter brings nothing good in the series.

Trump has already shown in the past that he had a penchant for Hollywood political elements – as when he had introduced to North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un at their Singapore summit a video clip in the style of D & D. Drama movie trailer. to support his political message for the meeting.

On social networks, the new tweet in the style of the fantasy series has sparked contempt and criticism, although users already seem a little tired in the face of new tweets incredible. One of them called the president "loser", another hinted that this presidency would eventually be over. Some responded with images in the same style; Trump is handcuffed to see in the same police, a charge for next spring announced: "The indictments arrive – Spring 2019".

The American television channel HBO, which produces "Game of Thrones", is not very enthusiastic about attempts to imitate the White House. "What is the misuse of the brand on Dothraki?", Wrote the station on Twitter. The dothraki is one of the many languages ​​of the world of "Game of Thrones".

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