Twitter clears up: Donald Trump loses hundreds of thousands of followers


The Twitter account of US President Donald Trump has lost more than 300,000 subscribers as part of a social media removal action. While nearly 53.4 million users followed the account of US President @realDonaldTrump on Wednesday it was only 53.1 million a day later.

Twitter announced on Wednesday that it had blocked accounts from deducting subscriber numbers from users, so the service wants to boost the trust of its customers in the platform. Most users may lose only a handful of followers. In some popular profiles, it could be significantly higher.

Compared to other large accounts, follower fan Donald Trump is still relatively low: Barack Obama, for example, lost two million of his once 103.6, according to "USA Today" followers. According to the report, Katy Perry, which has 110 million followers, now has 107 million.

The Keyhole data company calculated that the clean-up campaign would cost an average of two percent of subscribers to the most popular Twitter accounts. Overall, the cleaning initiative had tens of millions of accounts, or six percent of Twitter subscribers. Twitter has long been trying to crack down on fake profiles that spread spam and political propaganda, among other things.

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