Twitter closes more than 10,000 accounts | TIME ONLINE


The short message service
twitter has more than 10,000 fake accounts
allowed to boycott the next congressional elections
was called to the United States. A spokesman for the company
confirmed that the
Accounts have already been deleted in late September and early October.

Corresponding accounts falsely gave the impression
set up by the American Democrats. Like the online magazine TechcrunchIn writing, the news was sent to the main constituencies and encouraged them to stay home on polling day. They were members of the "Democratic Congress Campaign Committee", election workers of the Democratic Party, who informed the service of the short messages of the profiles.

"We deleted a bunch of accounts because they had tried to misinform
to share in an automated way – a violation of ours
Guidelines, "said a Twitter spokesperson at the online magazine.
"We stopped that quickly." However this has
The company has not specified any examples of deleted accounts
have been reported by the portal.

in the
2016 presidential election campaign, Twitter had millions of
Reports of misinformation about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton were released. At the beginning of this year, several million profiles had to be removed, which would have the effect of spreading terrorist information.

Twitter has long tried to crack down on fake profiles, including spam and political propaganda
to be broadcast. "We introduced new ways to solve problems
To address behaviors that distort public conversation,
Twitter boss Jack Dorsey said this summer.

According to the latest figures from the company, on Twitter, about 335 million users are active in the world each month.

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