Twitter: Deleted accounts blocked for fake news


In the coming days, Twitter users could find a decreasing number of their subscribers: The Short Message Service has deducted locked accounts from subscriber numbers. This step should boost confidence in the platform, explained the company.

Especially popular are mostly popular profiles, most ordinary users are likely to own only four subscribers or less after the campaign. In total, there are tens of millions of accounts, which accounts for six percent of Twitter subscribers. The number of monthly active users, which eventually rose to more than 330 million, will not decline by adjustment, Twitter said.

For a long time, the service tried to crack down on false profiles – and thus reacts to the experiences of the American election campaign. Last year, Twitter banned Russian RT and Sputnik media ads from their platform. The company has accused the media of trying to meddle with the US election campaign on behalf of Russia. Intelligence investigations had hit another 1,000 false accounts with connections to Russia in January. As a result, Twitter and Facebook have had consequences and increased transparency and more severe repression announced.

Already in May and June, according to a report in the "Washington Post" According to more than 70 million user accounts have blocked. This trend continued in July.

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