Two injured in shooting with police in Hochfeld


Shooting at Duisburg :
Shots of 47 years on policemen

  Duisburg: Two wounded in a shooting with police in Hochfeld

Police cordoned off the area.
Photo: Christoph Reichwein (crei)

Duisburg In the Hochfeld district of Duisburg, a 47-year-old man opened fire on a patrol car crew on Tuesday morning. The suspect and a police officer were seriously injured in the shooting.

At 8:15 pm on Tuesday morning, residents of Heerstraße heard several gunshots in Duisburg-Hochfeld. A 47-year-old had a still-unknown motive near the town. At the intersection of Düsseldorfer Straße, the light is open on a three-headed patrol crew. Police fired back, a police officer and the suspects were injured during the shootings. The sector has been closed.

According to the police, the officials were called to the district for a "request for help". It was the speech of a "raging man" summer. "When local colleagues approached a man who fit the description, he opened fire," a police spokeswoman said. The police resisted and fought back. "A 28-year-old policeman and the 47-year-old suspect were seriously injured, both were taken to the hospital for treatment, and there is no danger to life." In the patrol car , two police patrol officers and one trainee were seated.

According to our editorial team, the two wounded were operated Tuesday at noon. It is said that the suspect was injured in the hip and that the hand and the cop are injured.

Residents reported that three shots were fired. Monika Schure had watched the action of her house. "Two policemen ran after the man and asked him to put his weapon on the ground," she said. He did not do that. He ran back and fired at the first policeman. "Then there were two more shots, that's when the shooter was probably hit, saw the offender and the policeman lying on the ground, wounded."

The high field Gernot Klingenstein also attended the shooting. He was sitting at 8:15 at a bus stop on Heerstrbade when chaos broke out around him. "Suddenly, three shots were fired," he recalls. And then the man has been mastered, "he declared clearly agitated:" I have never experienced anything like it.

Police had the military road on Tuesday morning with patrol cars in the closed area at Düsseldorfer Strbade. The judicial police and the state criminal police were on the spot. Police forces were also recruited at the nearby Bethesda Hospital.

The Düsseldorf Police Headquarters resumed the investigation. The fact that another police department is conducting an investigation is always of use when it comes to cases involving injured police officers. Investigations into the origin of the crime are still ongoing.

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