Ulrich Kelber: SPD politician becomes new Federal Data Protection Commissioner


Ulrich Kelber, member of the SPD Bundestag, is the new Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI). In Parliament, he was elected Thursday to replace Andrea Voßhoff (CDU). Kelber takes office on January 1 and resigns from his parliamentary mandate.

Graduate in computer science, he was Parliamentary State Secretary of the former Federal Minister of Justice, Heiko Maas, and one of the architects of the Law Enforcement Act. network (NetzDG). Among other things, it requires operators of large social networks to block seemingly illegal content within 24 hours of receiving a complaint from the user. Critics fear that the NetzDG leads to an "Overblocking", because companies prefer to lock too much content, which could give a fine.

Kelber discloses meetings with lobbyists

Kelber is not always net on the party and the coalition line. He therefore qualified earlier as an opponent of the conservation of data but then voted in 2015 for their reintroduction, because the first embodiment "represents an acceptable balance between security and freedom." On the other hand, he declined online search and monitoring of telecommunications at the source (Trojan State), which was decided in 2017.

The fiftieth anniversary has five consecutive direct terms of office of the Bundestag in his constituency in Bonn and belongs to the left wing of the SPD. As the Federal Data Protection Officer, he is likely to be visible and audible compared to his predecessor, Kelber is online and offline because he has an opinion and is willing to discuss.

As "glbad delegate", he reveals, among other things, his tax returns and all his meetings with lobbyists.

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