UN document on migration to the Bundestag: the pact comes, the AfD must live with



AfD leader Alexander Gauland gives his vote in the Bundestag.

AfD leader Alexander Gauland gives his vote in the Bundestag.(Photo: dpa)

Thursday, November 29, 2018

By Benjamin Konietzny

The Bundestag is behind the UN pact on migration. The mbadive AfD campaign against paper has finally been ineffective. For the far right party, the subject is still not finished.

The federal government will approve the United Nations Pact on Migration in Marrakesh on December 10 and 11. Despite weeks of public debate, fueled above all by the AfD, critics of the "Global Compact on Migration" must capitulate to the unity of the ruling parties, who are voting in the Bundestag behind the non-binding document. MPs from the Union and the SPD enjoy significant support during the plenary session of the Liberals and Greens. Nevertheless, or simply because the AFD has again violently attacked the pact.

Gottfried Curio, from AFD, expresses in the Bundestag against the pact on migration.

Gottfried Curio, from AFD, expresses in the Bundestag against the pact on migration.(Photo: alliance photo / dpa)

Bearing this in mind, the group sends a speaker to the rostrum who, in the past, may not have been illustrated to give particularly objective lectures. But the arguments may not work. In his eight-minute speech, Gottfried Curio draws the picture of a legally binding agreement that eliminates all obstacles to illegal migration. He describes federal government officials as "dictatorial actors". "Hundreds of thousands of migrants" in Germany were already living with "unconditional basic income," he says.

Germany and Europe are facing a migration of peoples, warns Curio and brings a suspicious document to help, with which another right-wing populist has scored his own goal. He quotes a study by the European Union in 2009, according to which some 270 million people could live in Germany. "Beautiful new world," concludes Curio. In addition, Hans Christian Strache, Director of the FPÖ, had already publicly quoted the footnote of the study and had ridiculed it. Because it is only an example of statistical calculation.

The AFD Group should request a roll-call before the debate. If things do not happen as the party wants, they want to know who is for or against.

Also concerned within the Union

However, concerns about the pact are not limited to the AfD, as has shown public debate in recent weeks. Time and time again, there was resistance in the Union. Finally, Minister of Health Jens Spahn and the future CDU President Friedrich Merz have asked that the document be still under discussion. This is reflected in the result of the vote. Although 372 deputies vote "yes". However, 153 deputies, most of whom are left-wing MPs and AfD, oppose the motion asking the government to approve the pact. 141 deputies abstained.

Critics outside the AfD are not primarily due to the content of the paper, but to the way it was communicated. FDP MP Stephan Thomae renews this in his speech. He accuses the federal government of having learned nothing from the negotiations on the TTIP free trade agreement. "The federal government should have informed in time, otherwise the populists left the field left and right." Speech likely to fall in the words of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Heiko Maas, SPD, in charge of coordinating multilateral agreements – and talk about it.

Maas defends the paper in his speech and praises the pact as "a remarkable success of international cooperation". It contains "no right or enforceable obligation" and "no effect whatsoever on the change of law or the establishment of the legal basis". He accuses the AFD that their "indignant social" is superior to their "reading ability" and criticizes the fact that the party deliberately distorted the facts related to the pact. But also all the other critics, the lack of communication on the ground, he gives a reply: the public was involved early.

AfD proves its mobilization potential

The content of the pact has also been discussed in several committees. "Now, guess which faction did not participate," he says in AFD's direction. Several times, party representatives were invited to these tours but never appeared. And even in the Bundestag, the pact had already been the subject – in April, remembers Maas. It evokes however a debate which was put on the agenda only by the AfD.

With its campaign against the pact, which was largely based on misinformation, the AfD once again demonstrated its mobilization potential and once again it is the largest opposition party able to shake the presumed unanimity of other parties, It is probably not a coincidence that the pact was also criticized in the European Union, but only after AFD put the issue at the top of its agenda.

But that was not enough for a no, the party will have to live with the fact that the majority of deputies behind the pact and Germany will accept the newspaper in a few days. The AfD still wants to continue. Tomorrow, a request will be discussed in plenary, which should stipulate that the pact remains legally binding in international law – even if it is already indicated from the beginning of the text of the treaty.

Source: n-tv.de

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