United Nations pact on migration: only five members of the Union vote against the treaty


Germany Controversial contract

Only five members of the Union vote against the UN pact on migration

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Only five members of the Union vote against the UN pact on migration

The factions of the Union and the SPD have supported the controversial UN pact on migration with a large majority. MEPs voted in Berlin for a joint motion for a resolution on the pact.

After the SPD parliamentary group, members of the CDU and CSU also supported the UN's controversial migration pact. The pact is in the interest of Germany, according to the petition that was pbaded by the Union with five votes against.

UThe unions and the SPD of the Bundestag have supported the controversial UN treaty on migration with a large majority. MEPs from both government groups voted Tuesday in Berlin for a joint motion for a resolution on the pact, which the Bundestag is expected to vote on Thursday. He welcomes the UN agreement, also supported by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU).

Participants in the Union meeting said that the Interior Minister and head of the CSU, Horst Seehofer, had also campaigned in detail for the pact and the motion. At the meeting, there were five votes against and the SPD accepted the document almost unanimously.

On Thursday, the Bundestag wants to vote in addition to the coalition proposal on the proposals of the opposition factions of the FDP, the Greens and the AfD to the pact on migration.

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"The national sovereignty of Germany is not controversial," says the eight-page coalition document. At the same time, the federal government is called upon to continue to ensure that the pact does not undermine Germany's national sovereignty and its right to determine its own migration policy.

The motion also states that Germany is more responsible for migration than other countries, including the European Union. "We want to change that – including a fair distribution."

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"Despite significant social efforts and the impressive engagement of the citizen community, our country is finding it increasingly difficult to integrate." The pact is therefore also in the interest of Germany.

An additional protocol statement by the federal government during the planned adoption of the United Nations Pact on Migration on December 10 and 11 in Morocco with clarifications, as had been requested in part, what MPs do not have. have not done. "What could be more powerful than a majority resolution proposal adopted by the German Bundestag," said group chairman Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU). "So we explained everything that needed to be explained." The motion "clarifies some things, it disenchanted some myths."

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Member of the Bundestag for 28 years: Peter Ramsauer (CSU)

The CSU state party leader, Alexander Dobrindt, said that the government groups' motion in favor of the UN's controversial migration pact was an important sign against alarmism and misinformation. "This is a very good sign if the two groups, CDU / CSU and SPD, confront each other in a communicative way with the right and left of the Bundestag and reject the false truths that lead to fear and excitement in our population. ", did he declare.

Dobrindt – "Clear request for limitation and migration order"

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The head of the CSU country group commented on the United Nations Pact on Migration. Deputies from both government groups voted in favor of a joint motion for a resolution on the pact that the Bundestag should decide on Thursday.

The President of the Home Committee, Andrea Lindholz, member of the CSU, welcomed this request. "We want to use the pact to pursue our goal of improving the organization, management and limitation of migration at all levels."

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SPD parliamentary group vice-chairman Rolf Mützenich called the petition "factual enrichment" of the debate, after a campaign of false statements had been launched against the pact. With the support of the agreement, Germany shows that it wants to badume international responsibility without restricting the rights of national sovereignty.

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