United States: Angler catches 4.20 meters long hammerhead shark, animal dies on the beach


On Facebook, Cedillo describes in detail how he came to his capture. For over an hour he struggled with the animal, then he and his fishing friends noticed that the animal was very tired. "We quickly took a picture, measured the length and removed the hook," the fisherman describes the scene. So he and his fishermen friends would have done everything to free the animal quickly. Just three to five minutes, the fishermen would have had the animal in their captivity.

Apparently, the efforts of the fishermen have been in vain. The shark female is dead in about 10 centimeters of deep water. Cedillo regrets the tragic result of his fishing day. The fishermen were very disappointed that they could not save the life of the animal. "For most of us, it is something we never want to experience," writes the man in his message.

The fishermen would then have decided to preserve and give at least the flesh of the animal, continued Cedillo. While dissecting the hammerhead shark, the fishermen discovered 15 barbs in the flesh of the animal. He owes no apologies to anyone, says the fisherman. "Anyone who knows me knows that I will release all the sharks that I caught, which hurts."

In the video: A large white shark in shallow water – men film predatory fish – then they are attacked by rays

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