United States: Seven Children Die After Virus Epidemic Near New York – News


From dpa

New York – Seven children died of a viral illness at a clinic near New York. Eleven more children are said to have been infected with the so-called adenovirus, said the health ministry. Among other things, the New Jersey clinic welcomes children who are particularly vulnerable to disease. Adenoviruses usually cause colds. Infections are usually rather harmless, but in New Jersey, it was now children infected with a particularly vulnerable immune system.

New York – Seven children died of a viral illness at a clinic near New York. Eleven more children are said to have been infected with the so-called adenovirus, said the health ministry. Among other things, the New Jersey clinic welcomes children who are particularly vulnerable to disease. Adenoviruses usually cause colds. Infections are usually rather harmless, but in New Jersey, it was now children infected with a particularly vulnerable immune system.

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