Up to 57% more – A whole skyscraper withstands rising rents – Inland News


Stuttgart – A skyscraper in Stuttgart. But it could also be in any other German city.

15 floors, 81 tenants, built in 1956. Originally built for railway families. Now the tenants are afraid of not being able to hold their apartment. The reason: The real estate company Vonovia, which manages the building, provides for modernization measures for 3.5 million euros (facade, windows, balconies, staircase, roof).

More information on the rental right and the housing shortage

the inhabitants are abandoned. This is true: in the case of modernization, the landlord can transfer up to eleven percent of the modernization costs to his tenants.

Do you know more?

Do you know more about rent increases? Problems with the owner? Write to us: Keyword "Rent", E-Mail: [email protected] Message: BILD, More? Brieffach 3333, 10867 Berlin Information on data protection can be found at www.bild.de/corporate-site/datenschutz

The result: rents are expected to increase. As a sign of protest, tenants hang the rent increase as a percentage to their balconies. (Because not everyone pays the same basic rent per square meter, they differ from each other.)

Rolf Gaßmann (66) President of the Stuttgart Tenants' Association: "Vonovia s & 39 is modernized to make a comeback. On the other hand, let's go from the front, maybe also to the courts. "

Vonovia Press Office Director Nina Henckel (45) points out:" We are not doing luxury upgrades. We do not implement the 11% legally authorized modernization costs, but remain 8% lower. "

Nevertheless – for many tenants, the increase is almost unbearable.

1." I will have to resign "

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The former nurse Jean Dangaran (76 years old). "Mietpreisstopp" hangs on his balcony Photo: Thomas Niedermüller

Jean Dangaran (76 years), retired: "I pay 650 euros now.After the supplement, I should pay 900 euros.This is a lot of Money for my apartment of 52 square meters.At retirement, I worked until 2009 as a nurse and I lived in the house of Then I had to get out of there.My son especially worried about this apartment with a view on the TV tower worried.When the rent increase comes, I have to tremble to d & # 39; Other fees enormously If not, I can not withdraw the rent from the pension anymore.A good thing is that everyone in the house sticks together. "

2. "I do not know how to proceed"

<img clbad = "photo zoomable ondemand" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https: // images.bild. from / fotos-skaliert / die-bahnangestellte-erika-hartmann-57-steht-auf-ihrem-balkon-sie-ist-verzweifelt-200858186-56337778 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0.bild.jpg "width = "1280" alt = "Railway employee Erika Hartmann (57) is standing on her balcony, she is desperate" data-zoom-title = "Railway employee Erika Hartmann (57) ) stands on his balcony

: Thomas Niedermüller

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/die-bahnangestellte-erika-hartmann-57-steht-auf-ihrem -balkon-sie-ist-verzweifelt- 200858186-56337778 / image / 2.bild.jpg «/>

Railway employee Erika Hartmann (57) is standing on her balcony. She is desperate Photo: Thomas Niedermüller

Erika Hartmann (57), railway employee: "I live here on 52 square meters. I pay 407 euros of cold here. With the increase in rent, I should pay 208 euros more, or about 52%! Overall, it's more than half of my income. The announcement to increase the rent was a shock. I do not know what to do next. My employer wanted me to move from Halle to Stuttgart 20 years ago. Currently, I run two households. If the increase comes here in Stuttgart, I should quit my job because my family lives and stays in Halle. "

3." It does not work "

<img clbad =" photo zoomable ondemand "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "data-src =" https://pictures.image.de/image-scale image / bu-03-neu1-jpg_200858188_mbqf-1531763771-56337786 / 1, w = 1280, c = 0. image.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" "data-zoom-title ="

picture: Thomas Niedermüller

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Photo: Thomas Niedermüller

Sven Kober (36 years old), Motor Driver: "I live here since February 2001 on 52 square meters.This was my first apartment. I received the letter with the rent increase, I thought it was not working.I was as if I was eating or dying.I live here with my girlfriend.Our heating is not allowed. was not lit for two years, for months we were waiting for an answer, and now I should pay instead of 700 euro hot 940 euros.This would be on the verge of pain for us.Others here are still much, much more difficult. "

4. "The company claims it's a good thing"

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https: / /bilder.bild.de/bild.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/bu-03-neu3-jpg_200858185_mbqf-1531763711-56337772/1,w1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width = "1280" alt = "" data-zoom- title = "

photo: Thomas Niedermüller

" data-zoom-src = "https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/bu-03-neu3-jpg_200858185_mbqf-1531763711 -56337772 / Bild / 1.bild jpg «/>

Photo: Thomas Niedermüller

Josef A. (54 years old), restaurateur: "We are paying here for 52 square meters 430 euros of cold (note about 670 euros hot) .Now, it's about 35% more expensive.It's 235 euros on hot rent.I myself laid the laying here, replaced myself with heating panels. have always had to wait so long to get an answer, i've eliminated the gaps.The owner has not participated in that.The company now acts as if it's doing something good for us with modernization, they promised us God and the world. "

5. "My husband has worn above the threshold here I do not want to go"

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "data-src =" https://pictures.picture.com/pictures -skaliert / elisabeth Hoersch-78 is-unfortunately-it-living-in-your-life-can-the-new-lease -non-payment-200858187-56337782 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0.bild .jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Elisabeth Hörsch (78 years old) is sad, she is sitting in her living room, can not pay the new rent "data-zoom-title =" Elisabeth Hörsch (78) is sad her living room can not afford the new rent

Photo: Thomas Niedermüller

"data-zoom-src =" https: // bilder.bild.de/fotos/elisabeth-hoersch-78-ist-traurig-sie -sitzt-in-your-life-can-the-new-lease-non-payment-200858187-56337782 / image / 2.bild. jpg "/>

Elisabeth Hörsch (78) is sad. She is in her living room, can not pay the new rent Photo: Thomas Niedermüller

Elisabeth Hörsch (78) lives on the ninth floor. She has lived in the house for nearly 60 years. Her husband Oskar has reached the threshold here. In March, the letter of the real estate company came: From February 2019, the rent must be increased by 289.56 euros per month. For the 69 square meters instead of 800 at least 1089.56 euros are due. The retiree: "I should pay 44 percent more rent. I was sick for three weeks because I was so upset. I only receive 1600 euros pension, but I do not want to leave because I am attached to my house. "

Do you know more?

Do you know more about the rent increase? Problems with the landlord? Write to us: Keyword" Rent ", E-Mail: wissen- [email protected] Message: BILD, Read more Brieffach 3333, 10867 Berlin You can find information on data protection at www.bild.de/corporate-site/datenschutz

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