US intelligence agencies fear Trump alone – foreign policy


US President Donald Trump (72) acts after the Schmuse summit with Kremlin President Vladimir Putin (65 years) and in the midst of his most serious, ever more impulsive crisis. He seems completely detached from his advisory staff – especially intelligence services.

And it goes on: Unexpectedly, he invited the Russian president to Washington for a second summit. The idea of ​​seeing the Russian leader at the White House makes most Americans shudder.

Intelligence Taps in the Dark

Even more alarming: Trump now leaves all the security apparatus of the American superpower in the dark. The result was a scene that has already been clbadified as a historically bizarre moment.

At a security forum in Aspen, Dan Coats, 75, chief national co-intelligence, was interviewed by Andrea Mitchell, NBC correspondent. The Express message informed that the White House has invited Russian President Vladimir Putin and he arrives in the autumn. Coats was completely surprised by this and commented, "Well, that's going to be special."

Serious background of the scene: the best US intelligence officer had no idea of ​​planning a second meeting between Putin and Trump, even at the White House, He admitted that on the scene

And Coats confirmed that he still has no idea what Trump and Putin actually did in Helsinki during the four hour two hour conversation.

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Photo: / PA Photo / dpa

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Coats can die Hard to believe: "Can you repeat that?" Photo: / AP Photo / dpa [19659012] Coats also advised the president not to meet Putin, the ex-KGB, alone without advisers or at least other witnesses – but Trump did just that.

, the chief US intelligence, had not been consulted, says Coats.And almost resignedly: "The President makes his own decisions, it's just …"

US intelligence services are apparently totally blind when it comes to Russia and their president does not seem to listen to them at all

Trump and his quarrel with the intelligence services

Although the United States spend more than $ 50 billion a year on a total of 16 intelligence agencies (CIA, NSA, DIA, etc.) From the beginning, Trump was on the war foot with agents:

Trump still does not want not take note of the fact that all intelligence services unanimously confirmed that Putin attacked the cyber-attacks He personally ordered the 2016 US elections.

Many people in Washington's are already waiting for Coats to cost the price to his words.

Trump has long given up on the ideas of the head of the secret service: the greatest influence in his foreign policy is attributed to high-security advisor John Bolton (69), an intransigent. Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo (54) also has at least a limited influence. And Trump listens more and more to the advice of his "circle of friends," including people like Sean Hannity, presenter of "Fox News" (1965)

"Bloomberg News "Already wrote:

" The chief of national intelligence, like the rest of the cabinet, has no idea what Trump thinks or does. "

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