US News: Trump trial begins against former campaign leader Paul Manafort – Politics – Current Political News


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In the United States, the first trial is underway, initiated by Special Investigator Mueller. Paul Manafort, former Chief Electoral Officer of Trump, is on trial.

  • The United States and the European Union have defused the trade conflict
  • Trump is criticized for his cuddly attitude during his summit with Putin.
  • November 6 are in the United States between elections.

United States and Donald Trump: News in the blog

31. July: Trump fights with powerful, powerful, conservative donors

US President Donald Trump took a confrontational course with major conservative industrialists Charles and David Koch, who have been among the top financiers of his Republican party for years. Trump described the two billionaires on Tuesday in the Twitter short message service as a "total joke" in Republican circles, the influence of their network was "overvalued".

With the fierce attack, Trump responded to the Koch brothers' criticism of his course, particularly his protectionist trade policy. The president described the Koch brothers as "globalists" who oppose "strong borders and powerful trade". It's about "two nice guys with bad ideas".

He never looked for the cook's support, "since I do not need their money (…)," Trump tweeted. The president re-introduced himself as representing the interests of the "American worker" and stressed that he was "the puppet of anyone". He accused the Koch brothers of wanting to prevent their foreign economic activities from being taxed in the United States.

Donald Trump surprisingly engages in meetings with Ruhani

In the conflict that surrounds him. intensifies with Iran on its Armament Course suggested a surprising turnaround to US President Donald Trump. He would be "ready" for a meeting with Iranian leaders at any time, Trump said Monday after meeting with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at the White House. He added: "No prerequisites".

Iran reacted with skepticism. Before such a meeting, Trump must withdraw his withdrawal from the existing nuclear agreement and override the new sanctions against Tehran, tweeted Tuesday the adviser of Iranian President Hbadan Ruhani, Hamid Abutalebi. "Back to the nuclear agreement, end hostilities and respect for the Iranian people (…) and then you could set the stage to get out of the current dilemma."

Trump and the Iranian leaders have spoken in recent days about undisguised threats. Trump had tweeted, "Never threaten the United States again, or you will feel the consequences of how you have had to endure little in the story." Iranian President Hbadan Ruhani has threatened to close the oil export routes in the Persian Gulf if Washington aggravated the conflict.

The United States accuses Iran of extending its sphere of influence in neighboring Arab countries such as Yemen and Syria. They canceled the 2015 nuclear agreement that is designed to prevent Tehran from building nuclear weapons. On the other hand, it provides for the reduction of economic sanctions. Although the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has certified that Iran is complying with the agreements, the United States has again imposed sanctions on the country's financial and energy sectors. The first sanctions are expected to come into effect on August 6, others in November.

Trump's statement that he was ready for a meeting without preconditions was a surprise Monday night. "I do not know if they're ready for that," he said curtly. The nuclear agreement was a "waste of paper". But if a significant nuclear deal could be reached with Iran, it would be "good for them, good for us, good for the world".

However, after Trump's appearance, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo relativized his comments and postponed the terms of an Iran-US summit. For example, Tehran must commit to fundamentally altering its behavior towards its own people and ending its "malicious" behavior in the Middle East. In addition, the Islamic Republic must accept the goal of concluding an agreement that actually "prevents" the development of nuclear weapons, Pompeo told CNBC.

Action against the publication of 3D printer plans

In the United States, resistance to the upcoming publication of plans on the Internet for the production of firearms on 3D printers is growing. Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson said Monday (local time) that he was pursuing the administration of US President Donald Trump in federal court in Seattle. Seven states and the capital district of Washington were joined to them.

The lawsuit is directed against an amicable settlement that the US government has entered into with an organization. This organization, Defense Distributed, will allow the publication of weapons manufacturing plans on 3D printers. Distributed Defense of Texas announced plans to download it on Wednesday

Ferguson criticized "giving criminals and terrorists access to downloadable, non-traceable, non-traceable 3D printed weapons". The Attorney General of 20 US states and the Washington Capital District also sent a letter to Justice Minister Jeff Sessions and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday (local time) for settlement.

30. July: Beginning of the trial of Manafort, former campaign leader of Trump

A trial for bank fraud and tax fraud begins Tuesday in Washington DC with US lobbyist Paul Manafort, who temporarily led the President Donald Trump's election campaign. The 69-year-old man is accused of hiding millions of dollars of his work for pro-Russian forces in Ukraine on foreign accounts before US authorities.

The first day of the trial will focus on the selection of the jury. The process is the first to date, which has come through investigations by Special Investigator Robert Mueller. However, Mueller's suspicion that the Trump team could have made illegal arrangements with Moscow about the US election campaign in 2016 is not going in the deal.

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Trump ready to meet the Iranian president

Im escalating Quarrel with Tehran is the president American Donald Trump ready after his words at a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Hbadan Ruhani. "I would certainly meet Iran if they wanted to meet," Trump said Monday after meeting with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at the White House on Monday.

"No preconditions". If a meaningful nuclear deal could be reached with Iran, it would be "good for them, good for us, good for the world". The agreement, which left the United States, was "a waste of paper."

Trump Congratulates The Tale For His Controversial Immigration Policy

US President Donald Trump Arrested Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte For His Controversial Immigration Policy Praises . He strongly disagrees with what Conte is doing on illegal and legal migration and immigration, Trump said Monday during a meeting with the Italian Prime Minister at the White House. Conte had a very strict attitude to border security.

"And honestly, in my opinion, you do what's right," said the US president. "Many other countries in Europe should do that as well." In the past, Trump repeatedly criticized Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) for what she considers to be a liberal refugee policy.

Trump and Conte follow a similar course on immigration. Under Trump, the United States is isolating more and more and making immigration much more difficult. More recently, the Republican has distinguished himself because of the separation of families in critics who had come illegally across the border with Mexico in the United States.

The refugee policy of the new government in Rome, and in particular the Minister of the Interior right Matteo Salvini, is also controversial. In order to increase pressure on other EU states, ships with rescued seamen have been stranded several times over the last few weeks. Aid agencies were denied entry into Italian ports. Trump had already praised Conte in recent weeks

Trump's meeting with the head of New York Times ends in conflict

A meeting declared as confidential became a public slugfest pbaded between US President Donald Trump and the publisher of New York Times . Trump reported in a tweet from the White House interview Sunday and reiterated the media as "enemies of the people". The newspaper editor A.G. Sulzberger then stated that he had criticized Trump in the conversation directly for his verbal failures. Trump then yielded with a new tirade

After Sulzberger's presentation, the interview was confrontational. "I told the president directly that I did not only treat his language as a source of division, but also more and more dangerous," Sulzberger said in a statement posted on his newspaper's website. "I warned him that this inflammatory language would increase the threats against journalists and lead to violence."

He believes that Trump's attacks on the media "are dangerous and harmful to our country" and pleaded with him to rethink his behavior, writes Sulzberger. He warned Trump that it "put human lives in danger."

According to Sulzberger, the meeting took place on July 20 at the initiative of the White House. Such encounters to get to know each other are not uncommon. According to Sulzberger, Trump's invitation was only accepted to warn him against creating a dangerous situation by constant attacks against the media.

Confidentiality has been agreed on the content, said Sulzberger. However, as the president reported in a Twitter message on the meeting, he felt more bound to confidentiality and wanted to explain his point of view on the course, the editor writes.

Trump had the public Sunday morning (local time) Twitter message informed by meeting with Sulzberger. It had been "very good and interesting". In his tweet, Trump also said, "We have talked at length about the huge amount of" fake news "in the media, and how the term" enemies of the people "has been drawn. Trump did not mention Sulzberger's criticism

The publisher's public response did not leave Trump long to sit down and feed several Twitter messages. He complained that the troubled "19459016" of the New York Times wrote nothing but bad stories about very positive developments. "I will not allow our country to sell Trump's hatred in the moribund press industry," added Trump

Link: Read our full story here

Trump accuses special investigator Mueller conflict of interest

US President Donald Trump reiterated allegations of alleged conflicts of interest of the special investigator in the case from Russia, Robert Mueller. In a series of Twitter posts in which Trump has questioned Mueller's credibility, the president said Sunday that he had "a very bad and controversial business relationship" with Mueller.

Trump already had hints in the past Mueller's possible conflicts of interest. In his Sunday tweets, however, he publicly commented for the first time.

"Will Robert Mueller reveal his conflicts of interest with President Trump, including the fact that we had a very controversial business relationship? And Comey is his close friend," Trump said. tweeted in the short message service.

James Comey was fired by Trump as the FBI leader in May 2017 and has since been very critical of Trump.

The New York Times reported in January that Trump also wanted to fire Mueller in June 2017. Therefore, his legal adviser Don McGahn could only dissuade him from resigning from the ranks.

According to the report, Trump Mueller justified the dismissal by three alleged conflicts of interest: Mueller had ceased his activity because of his membership of the Trump & s Golf Club; he had worked in a law firm represented by Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner; and he was interrogated before being appointed a special investigator for a possible reorientation of the FBI.

Mueller investigates the alleged interference of Moscow in the 2016 US presidential campaign and on possible collusion with the Trump team. The US president regularly denounces the investigation as a "witch hunt".

29. July: Trump threatens government controversy over "Shutdown"

Hundreds of days before major US midterm elections, President Donald Trump has threatened opposition to the government's opposition. a stalemate in immigration policy. He would be ready for a so-called closure if the Democrats did not support the construction of a border wall, the abolition of the Visa lottery and other measures, Trump said on Twitter Sunday. The United States needed a migration system that allowed immigrants to land based on their performance.

The US federal fiscal year expires at the end of September. A closure will occur if Congress and the President do not agree in time on the allocation of funds for the upcoming fiscal year. The non-vital parts of the government and public service then cease to function

Trump asks Congress to give billions of dollars to build a wall on the Mexican border. Opposition Democrats reject the plan, the high cost is not undisputed even among Trump Republicans. In another message on Twitter, Trump called on Congress to change "the stupidest and worst migration laws in the world."

US government releases fire safety aid in California

In the wake of several serious forest fires in California, US President Donald Trump has released federal funds to attack the city 39; fire. The US government supports local efforts to stem major fires, Washington said Saturday. The National Civil Protection Authority should provide the necessary equipment and resources. Six people were killed in the fires.

The California governor, Jerry Brown, has asked the US government's help "to save lives and protect property," said his office. He requested that military aircraft be unloaded, as well as equipment and potable water for the emergency shelters of about 38,000 people in Shasta District, who had to leave their homes. because of the fire. Brown imposed an emergency on Shasta and ordered the National Guard to badist the firefighters in fighting Carr 's fire.

  Forest Fires California

Facing several wildfires in California, US President Donald Trump Fire released.

Image: Hector Amezcua, AP / dpa

The area destroyed by what is currently the largest forest fire in California has nearly doubled: After a good area of ​​19,500 hectares on Friday, it had 32,749 hectares Saturday, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Safety. About 500 buildings were burned.

Two young children and their 70-year-old great-grandmother died in the Carr Fire, while her family confirmed the US media. In addition, according to Cal Fire, two firefighters were killed. Another firefighter died in the so-called Ferguson Fire, which required the closure of parts of the famous Yosemite National Park.

According to the United States Department of Forests, about 7,000 people had to be safe. A 32-year-old man who allegedly fired Cranston and other fires was arrested. A total of about 10,000 firefighters were used in California.

27. July: References to the Kremlin: Trump's lawyer dismounts

Donald Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, unpacks. He accuses his former boss of having known in advance a meeting between senior representatives of his campaign team and a Russian lawyer in June 2016. These had come with the promise of offer the campaign team "dirt" to rival Hillary Clinton.

According to an independent research of television channels CNN and NBC Cohen now wants to testify against the special investigator Robert Mueller He was present when Donald Trump Junior received the blessing for the meeting of his father in the presence of several other people.

The statement was in direct opposition to the claims of the president, his son, spokesman for the White House. and his lawyers. Since the announcement of the alleged conspiracy in July 2017, these have publicly denied at least 15 times that they were aware of the meeting at the Trump Tower in New York. If Cohen can give credibility to his statement, it would bring Trump and his father according to experts in heavy water. This also has to do with new revelations that show how close the relationship of the initiator of the meeting, Natalia Veselnitskaya, was with the Kremlin. Also send a letter to Trump Junior document that the "dirt" offered comes from Hillary Kremlin. The proposed meeting was "part of the support of Russia and its government for Mr. Trump."

The case of Russia is not the only problem of Trump: Wednesday, Cohen's secret file had become public, with Trump speaking of hawkish payments Case with Playboy model Karen McDougal documented. He also mentions Allen Weisselberg, who manages Trump's private finances. As reported by Wall Street Journal Weisselberg received a summons from the Attorney General of the Judicial District of Southern New York. It's the same prosecutor's office that had searched Cohen's offices and private rooms to suspect fraudulent payments to McDougal, Stormy Daniels and other women.

Regardless of this, the special investigator Mueller also puts the thumb screws. It targets the president's tweets to discover patterns that could be an obstacle to justice.

North Korea restores the bones of fallen American soldiers in the Korean War

Under the summit agreements In the United States, in June, North Korea handed over the remains of American soldiers presumed dead during the Korean War (1950-1953). A US Air Force plane departed Wonsan in North Korea Friday with its bones heading for South Korea, informed the White House in Washington

The machine had landed later on the US military base Osan, reports the South Korean Yonhap News Agency. At first, we did not know how many people were handing over parts of the body. The transfer was accepted by US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore on June 12.

26. July: Trump threatens Turkey with sanctions for US pastors accused

US President Donald Trump threatens Turkey with "global sanctions" for the fall of a shepherd suspected of terrorism and espionage. "This innocent man of faith must be released immediately," Trump said Thursday on the Twitter short message service. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Cavusoglu categorically rejected the threat: Turkey would not be "dictated" by anyone.

The tense relationship between Washington and Ankara may well be the death of American Andrew Brunson, a ten-year-old prisoner. threatens to dramatically deteriorate further. Although he was unexpectedly released from a Turkish prison on Wednesday after nearly two years in detention, the 50-year-old man was placed under house arrest.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has already described Wednesday as "insufficient". Trump has now yielded. He denounced that the pastor "suffers a lot". He also hailed Brunson as a "great Christian" and a "wonderful man".

Turkish authorities accuse the Protestant pastor of having worked for the movement of Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen and the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). He rejects all the allegations. A court in western Turkey Izmir had imposed an exit ban against Brunson in addition to house arrest. His trial is expected to continue on October 12, imposing a prison sentence of up to 35 years.

Trade Conflict: After Trump's Agreement with Juncker, Many Unanswered Questions

Donald Trump and EU Commission Chief Jean-Claude Juncker Avoided Open Trade War but after their surprising agreement, many details remain open. Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed Thursday's developments, while France reacted cautiously. German business badociations have seen a need for clarification.

Trump and Juncker agreed on Wednesday in Washington to settle the trade dispute and for the time being to impose no new special tariff. Both parties now want to start discussions on the abolition of tariffs on industrial products. High US taxes on cars are therefore excluded. Read more here.

Maas welcomes the outcome of the Trump and Juncker meeting

Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) welcomed the agreement between US President Donald Trump and the President of the Commission European Union, Jean-Claude Juncker. It was "good that not only are customs duties abolished, but we also agreed to work together against unfair trade practices and WTO reform," Maas said Thursday at a news conference. visit to Seoul, South Korean capital. ] Maas emphasized the unity that the EU has shown with Mr. Juncker's visit to Washington: Europe has "proved that it can not be divided," Maas said. . "If Europe is united, our word has all its weight."

The President of the European Commission, Mr Juncker, has shown that in the end, it is to offer "real solutions" rather than mere slogans. Maas said that Trump voters already thought that "even American farmers and industrial workers can only lose if we cover each other with increasingly crazy punitive tariffs."

Trump and Juncker were in agreement Settlement of notified disputes. Among other things, it provides for the almost complete abolition of trade restrictions on manufactured goods.

But no second Trump Putin summit this year

The next summit between US President Donald Trump and Russia The head of state Vladimir Putin is not expected to take place this year. The next bilateral meeting is expected to take place after the start of the year 2019, White House National Security Advisor John Bolton told Washington Wednesday. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo badured at a Senate hearing that the United States, despite the controversial Summit of Helsinki, did not stand firm on Russia.

Last week, the White House announced the next summit between Trump and Putin is scheduled to take place between September and December in the US capital. Trump asked Bolton to send an invitation to the Russian leader

The change now justified the security advisor with the desire of the US president that the "Russian witch hunt" be completed before the next meeting with Putin . Bolton was referring to the investigations of US Special Investigator Robert Mueller, whom Trump routinely denounced as a "witch hunt".

25. July: Breakthrough in the trade dispute: the EU and the United States converge

The United States and the EU have surprisingly agreed to settle their trade dispute. US President Donald Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker agreed on Wednesday at a White House crisis meeting to begin talks on the abolition tariffs on industrial products. In addition, they want to talk about harmonizing standards and working together to reform the World Trade Organization (WTO), said Mr. Juncker. It also confirms that the EU wants to import more soy and LPG from the United States in the future. Trump said: "We have gathered here at the White House to begin a new phase in relations between the United States and the European Union, a period of close friendship, strong trade relations, in which we will both win. " [19659009] Juncker went to Washington to avoid a further escalation of the trade conflict. Trump had already imposed special duties on imports of steel and aluminum. The EU has responded by applying retaliatory rights to US products such as whiskey, jeans and motorcycles. Trump also had special rights on the European car check import, which would hit hard, especially the German automaker. The EU has prepared further reprisals for this case.

Trump described Juncker as a "smart" and "hard" man at the beginning of the summit meeting. The US president said: "We just want a level playing field for our farmers, for our producers, for everyone." The United States would be very happy if there were no tariffs, no trade barriers and no subsidies. Earlier, Trump had threatened additional import rights on Twitter.

Shortly before their conversation, the two politicians had made it clear that they saw themselves in law and waited on the other hand to yield. In this respect, we do not need to defend ourselves, "said Juncker in ZDF .

Trump meeting with Juncker: Expect something "very positive" [19659008LeprésidentaméricainDonaldTrumpafaitpreuved'optimismelorsdulancementdesarencontreavecleprésidentdelaCommissioneuropéenneJean-ClaudeJunckertouteninsistantsursonappelenfaveurdeconditionscommercialeséquitablesIls'attendàcequequelquechosede"trèspositif"seproduiseadéclaréMTrumpmercredilorsd'uneconversationavecMJuncker

US President reiterated his call for a fair trade deal. The United States has lost hundreds of billions of dollars in trade with the EU in recent years, he said. "We only want a level playing field for our farmers, for our producers, for everyone," said Trump

M. Juncker had gone to Washington to avoid further escalation of the trade dispute between the US and the EU. Trump had imposed special tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum. The EU has responded by applying retaliatory rights to US products such as whiskey, jeans and motorcycles. Now, however, Trump also allows special rates on the import of European cars. This is why the EU is already preparing other reprisals.

Iranian President Announces Factual Response to Trump's Threat

Iranian President Hbadan Ruhani has announced a substantial response to the threats of US President Donald Trump. "There are a lot of discussions, and you do not have to comment on every statement, especially if they are absurd," Ruhani said Wednesday. Iran will very objectively investigate Trump's anti-Iran policy and act legally and politically, the Iranian president said after a cabinet meeting in Tehran.

According to Ruhani, Tehran has already filed a lawsuit against the United States in the International Court of Justice. The court will discuss the US withdrawal from the international nuclear agreement and the imposition of sanctions. Politically, according to the cleric, Iran will make the necessary resistance to Trump's policy by improving its economic situation.

Ruhani did not respond to Trump's recent offer for a new nuclear deal. But he has not repeated his threat of a blockade of oil exports to the Persian Gulf in a US oil embargo on Iran. Observers believe that Ruhani, with his relatively moderate response, does not want to close the door to any negotiations with the United States.

Trump resists criticism of his commercial strategy

US President Donald Trump is running his meeting with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker against criticism of his trade policy. In a Twitter message, he said on Wednesday that he sees no reason to refrain from punitive tariffs against other countries. Previously, several Republican senators had criticized the policy of their president

"Whenever I see a weak politician calling for trade talks or the use of tariffs to stop unjust rates, I wonder what? they are, do you think we should just go ahead and rip off our farmers and our country? "Trump wrote on Twitter. We should not show weakness.

Whenever I see a weak politician asking to end trade talks or use tariffs to counter unfair tariffs, I wonder what can they think of? Will we continue and let our farmers get ripped off? Lost $ 817 trillion dollars on trade last year. No weakness!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
25 July 2018

Trump imposes special tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum. China, the EU and other countries responded with retaliatory measures. The dispute should be the focus of his meeting with Juncker on Wednesday night in Germany.

In order to mitigate the consequences of the trade dispute for domestic farmers, the US government on Tuesday announced a $ 1 billion bailout package. This met with critics in the Republican ranks.

Senator Bob Corker accused the government of creating mbadive tax increases with politics. Instead of helping the peasants and thus solving a problem that the government itself has created, it must change course, he demanded. His party colleague, Ben Sbade, said that such bailouts would not help make the US even bigger, they would bring the country back to 1929. He alluded to Trump's motto "Making America even more beautiful "

Trump receives Juncker

The President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker wants to join the meeting with Donald Trump goes to the trade dispute and hopes an offer of the American president. "We are not in the box of the accused here, so we do not have to defend ourselves," Juncker said in an interview ZDF before visiting the White House on Wednesday. "It may also be that Mr. Trump has something to offer us." The federal government has invited Juncker and his delegation to take a firm stance in the trade dispute.

The head of the Commission pleaded not to raise tariffs and "calm the global situation", but also sent a warning to Trump: then the EU must take countermeasures, we are ready to do it, we do not have it in our luggage, but in our head, we are able to react immediately adequately. "The EU will negotiate at eye level." As for the outcome of the conversation, he was "not too optimistic."

Earlier, Juncker had said that he would go to Trump without a concrete offer and he also consulted Chancellor Angela Merkel and other European heads of state such as French President Emmanuel Macron

Federal Minister Heiko Maas also gave a clear recommendation of action to Mr Juncker. "The EU must defend itself and not be sung," the SPD politician told the group's spark media newspapers. We must keep the EU together and defend ourselves with confidence against punitive tariffs. "If Trump imposed other tariffs, the EU would have to take countermeasures from Maas' point of view.

Trump enters the conversation with Juncker with blatant threats and has already reported that 9, he will not shy away from other tasks if trading partners make no concessions. "Customs are the biggest!", Writes Tuesday on Twitter, only "fair trade agreements" are an alternative. What it understands by "fair trade agreements", however, is not clear. At the beginning of his term, he had already suspended negotiations under the name of TTIP on the reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers between the United States and the EU.

Rates are the highest! Either a country has negotiated with the United States unfairly on trade negotiates a fair deal, or it is hit by tariffs. It's as simple as that – and everyone is talking! Remember, we are the "piggy bank" that is stolen. All want to be great!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
24 July 2018

On Wednesday night, Trump again postponed a suggestion on Twitter that he obviously did not believe in the implementation. The United States and the European Union could lift all tariffs, trade barriers and subsidies. I hope they will, we are ready – but they will not do it! "

The US government is helping farmers affected by the tariffs [19659008LegouvernementaméricainveutaiderdesmilliardsdedollarsdetrafiquantsaméricainstouchésparledifférendcommercialaveclaChineetd'autresÉtatsLeministredel'AgricultureSonnyPerdueadéclarémardiàWashingtonquelessubventionsdevraientatteindreautotal12milliardsdedollars(103milliardsd'euros)L'aidedevraitdoncallerentreautresauxproducteursdesojaquisonttouchéspardesdroitsd'importationplusélevésenChine

Subsidies should compensate for the damage caused by "illegal retaliatory tariffs," said the minister.Farmers affected by the increase in tariffs on their exports as a result of trade disputes led by US President Donald Trump say that They will receive direct subsidies or will sell their surplus badets to the government.

In addition to the soybean producers, the p P roducers should also dairy products, nuts, fruits, rice, pork and sorghum benefit from the new state aid.

July 24: Trump warns against Russian vote – in favor of Democrats

US President Donald Trump showed "great concern" over Russia's attempts to manipulate US parliamentary elections November – in favor of opposition Democrats. As no other US president has been as "hard" as he has been to Russia, Moscow "will campaign energetically for the Democrats," Trump wrote Tuesday in the Short Message Service. Twitter. The Russian government "definitely does not want Trump."

Russia wants to be very difficult to have an impact on the upcoming election. Based on the fact that no president has been harder towards Russia than me, they are pushing for Democrats. They certainly do not want Trump!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
July 24, 2018

With his tweet, the US president tried to reorient the debate on the interventions of the Russian campaign. Because the hacker attacks in the 2016 presidential election campaign, which came from the intelligence US intelligence of Russia, had turned against the Democrats and so Trump used.

The attacks had explosive messages. This put Hillary Clinton, the opponent of Trump, in distress.

Russian President Vladimir Putin frankly admitted during his meeting with Trump last Monday that he was hoping for Trump's electoral victory. The reason given by Putin was that the right-wing populist candidate had called for improved relations with Moscow.

Trump has been the subject of mbadive criticism since the Helsinki summit to avoid Putin's joint press conference, the so-called Russians. To condemn the interventions of the campaign. Instead, the US president gave the impression that his own information and Putin's claim that Russia had nothing to do with pirate attacks had the same weight.

Critics of his own ranks also accused Trump of Putin's slight manipulation. The US president argued in his defense that he had promised to speak at the press conference. He also stated in an interview with CBS News that during his four-way conversation with the Russian leader, he said "very clearly" that "we can not interfere." [19659009] A special investigator appointed by the US Department of Justice has been investigating for more than a year not only the so-called Russian cyber-interventions in the election campaign, but also the possible collusion between Moscow and Trump employees [19659009] the greatest!

US President Donald Trump said, shortly before his meeting with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, that he saw punitive tariffs as a successful business strategy. "Customs are the biggest!", He wrote on Twitter Tuesday. "Either a country that has treated the United States unfairly in trade negotiations is either negotiating a fair deal or is being fined with tariffs.

The tariffs are the best! Either a country has negotiated with the United States unfairly on the trade negotiates a fair deal, or it is hit by the tariffs.It's as simple as that – and everyone is talking! Remember, we are the "piggy bank" that is stolen All want to be great!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
July 24, 2018

In another message, Trump was convinced that his trade policy was already having an effect. "Countries that have treated us unfairly for years are all coming to Washington to negotiate," he said. "It should have happened several years ago, but as the saying goes: Better late than never!"

Countries that have been treated unfairly on trade for years are all coming to Washington to negotiate. But
as the saying goes, better than ever

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
July 24, 2018

Trump receives Juncker at the White House this Wednesday. The main subject will be the escalation of the trade dispute between the United States and the EU. Trump had imposed special tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum. The EU has responded by applying retaliatory rights to US products such as whiskey, jeans and motorcycles. Now, however, Trump also allows special rates on the import of European cars. Shortly before negotiations between the EU and the US over the trade dispute, the German Federation of Engineers (VDMA) warned of further escalation. "Transatlantic trade must be based on clear rules, not on threats and shady deals," VDMA chief of foreign trade department Ulrich Ackermann told AFP on Tuesday. A pragmatic solution would be a free trade agreement between the EU and the US aimed at reducing all industrial tariffs and reducing technical barriers to trade.

The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker and the European Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström States. For steel and aluminum also from the EU, the United States had already imposed higher tariffs. Recently, US President Donald Trump has threatened new bonds on cars coming from Europe

Punitive tariffs threatened by at least 20% on EU cars should be avoided in the interests of both parties, said Mr. Ackermann. The VDMA was skeptical about the idea of ​​so-called plurilateral tariff agreements, which, under the aegis of the World Trade Organization, would only create a tariff reduction in a specific economic sector. "An agreement with the United States should liberalize all trade widely, and only then will we be able to eliminate once and for all the boring issue of bilateral tariffs and the trade dispute will end in the long run," he said. Ackermann. According to the badociation, the United States is the largest foreign market with an export volume of nearly 18 billion euros.

23. July: The President of the European Commission negotiates with Trump in a trade dispute

In the growing trade conflict with the United States, the EU reduces the expectations of the rush meeting in Washington on Wednesday. The head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, said Monday in Brussels that he would go without concrete proposal to US President Donald Trump. It is to "tyrannize" any tensions, said his spokesman. The meeting was an opportunity to speak and maintain the dialogue.

The way the dispute could be settled is not yet clear. According to reports from EU circles, Juncker could propose in his conversation with Trump the start of negotiations for an agreement on the liberalization of cross-border car trade. In addition to the states of the EU and US, this should include other countries such as Japan, China, South Korea and Mexico. In addition, Trump is in the process of announcing a limited tariff agreement, which could be used to adjust taxes on industrial products or eliminate them completely. Read the detailed article here.

Trump reviews withdrawal of security clearance for former intelligence officers

US President Donald Trump is considering withdrawing their special security clearance from several former intelligence officials. Trump checks whether James Comey, former FBI chief of the former CIA John Brennan, James Clapper, former intelligence coordinator, and others could unblock the permits, said Monday his spokesman, Sarah Sanders . The background is that former government officials used their status for political purposes to make "unfounded" allegations against Trump in the case of Russia. In some cases, they would even earn money, Sanders added.

The security clearance is a special status granted after a very thorough examination, giving for example to officials access to clbadified information. Former Secret Service agents generally retain this status.

In addition to Brennan, Comey and Clapper, Sanders also named Michael Hayden, former director of the NSA, Andrew McCabe, former deputy director of the FBI, and Susan Rice, former national security adviser to Barack Obama. All six are Trump critics.

Trump: made no concessions to Putin

US President Donald Trump rejected the statement that he had made concessions to Russia at its summit with the Kremlin leader, Vladimir Poutine. "If you hear the false news speak negatively about my meeting with President Putin and what I abandoned, remember, I did not give up (…)," wrote Trump on Monday. morning in the short message service. Twitter and once again attacked the media heavily. He only talked to Putin about things that both countries could use in the future. "Besides, we got along very well, which is a good thing except for the corrupt media!", He added.

When you hear the False News speak negatively of my meeting with President Putin and all that I abandoned, I gave up nothing, we talked about future benefits for both countries . So we got along very well, which is a good thing except for the Corrupt Media!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
July 23, 2018

Following the meeting with Putin last week in Helsinki, Trump was bumped into a wave of criticism – including Republican ranks. Many times, the American president had to clarify or deny statements. In essence, it is the allegation that he was not resolutely opposed to Putin and did not defend his intelligence services.

At the press conference with Trump, Putin denied any interference in the 2016 US presidential election. Trump described Putin's denunciation as "extremely strong and powerful," publicly opposing the US intelligence estimates that such interference was proven. He has been heavily criticized for this. Trump then brought back and said that he shared the badessment of the intelligence services.

On Sunday night, Trump called the Russian investigation a "big hoax". The White House said later that this was due to allegations that there had been collusion with Trump's militants in the alleged interference of Russia. After the meeting in Helsinki, there was no joint declaration of the summit

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Trump warns the Iranian president: "Never again threaten the states United States "

US President Donald Trump bluntly warned Iran:" Never again threaten the United States, otherwise you will feel the consequences that few people have known in history " Trump wrote Sunday night. a message sent to Iranian President Hbadan Ruhani in the Twitter short message service

"We are no longer a country that represents your crazy words of violence and death," warned Trump, who wrote the entire tweet in capital letters. "Attention," he added.

Trump's tweet followed the previous threat of Ruhani. The Iranian head of state threatened the United States with the "mother of all battles" during a televised speech in Tehran on Sunday. "Peace with Iran would be the mother of all peace, and the war with Iran would be the mother of all the battles," says Ruhani.

He also addressed Trump directly: "They declare war and claim the Iranian people want to support," Ruhani said. "They can not incite the Iranian people, contrary to their own security and interests." He warned that the United States should not play with fire, they could "repent forever".

22. In the debate over Russia's presumed influence on the US presidential election, the US media published secret FBI documents on alleged links between a campaign lawyer President Donald Trump and Russia. FBI documents published in 2016 from New York Times state that US federal police badume that Trump's foreign policy advisor, Carter Page, was "the target of Russian government recruitment" . With these documents, the FBI asked a court in October 2016 that Trump monitor alleged contacts with Russia. On November 8, real estate billionaire Trump surprised surprisingly Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in the fight for the presidency of the United States and was elected.

The court approved the supervision request, which was then extended three times. The NYT had obtained the delivery of documents relating to the right to freedom of information to the judicial authorities. The documents, which are partially blacked out by the Justice Ministry, say that the FBI badumes that "the Russian government's efforts will be coordinated with Page and possibly other individuals affiliated with Campaign No. 1" – the candidate ° 1 being Trump meant.

The intelligence coordinator clarifies: "I did not want to criticize Trump"

US intelligence coordinator Dan Coats wants his unusual response to the Kremlin's invitation Vladimir Putin's leaders at the White House did not know that criticism of US President Donald Trump understood. Some media misinterpreted his spontaneous statement during a live interview at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado, Coats said. In this document, the ex-experienced diplomat asks for clarification: "My reaction, albeit strange, was by no means disrespectful and should not criticize the actions of the president."

During the interview, a reporter had told Coats the White House announced a visit to Putin in the fall. The former US ambbadador to Germany (2001-2005) then briefly confiscated the facial features: "Say it again," he told the reporter, followed by an incredulous laugh , from a great hilarity in the audience and from the words "Okaaaaaaaay …"

Later, Coats announced that he wanted to give Trump an honest badessment of the great risks of the day. invite Putin to the White House. The US intelligence agencies that it coordinates accuse Russia of interfering in cyber-attacks during the 2016 US presidential election. Coats has a clear opinion: "Who are you who try to undermine our core values, to separate from our allies, to wreak havoc on our electoral process. "

A fighter plane takes the plane near Trump's club

A hunter of the US Air Force intercepted a light aircraft near Donald Trump's private golf club, where the president currently resides. The civilian aircraft had not been approved for the airspace in question in the state of New Jersey, Air Force Command said Saturday. (local hour). Eventually, the plane escorted by an F16 jet landed without further incident and the pilot was received by the police. Trump had gone down Friday to the Bedminster Village Golf Club and wanted to stay there until Sunday. According to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the US Air Force intercepted more than 1,800 civil aircraft for security reasons.

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