Venezuela: Inflation reaches a million percent


Venezuela: Inflation reaches a million percent – SPIEGEL ONLINE

A million percent – inflation in Venezuela before new high

The situation is comparable to the decline in prices In the Weimar Republic: In Venezuela, inflation could soon reach one million percent, predicts the International Monetary Fund.

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Nurses in Venezuela demonstrate for higher wages and better working conditions

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Venezuela, plagued by a severe economic crisis, is heading for inflation of one million percent by the end of the l & # 39; year.

The situation in the South American country is comparable to the collapse of prices in the Weimar Republic in Germany in the 1923 crisis year, said the IMF in a perspective for the countries of Latin America. He also predicted an 18% drop in gross domestic product by 2018.

Due to mismanagement, corruption and the relatively low price of oil, the socialist state has been suffering for years from the poor. a serious economic crisis and supply. Although there are the largest oil reserves in the world, more and more people are dying of hunger.

bam / dpa

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