Video: A new high security lab begins to work


According to the World Health Organization, WHO, in Congo, no one was sick with Ebola virus for 42 days. Thus, the country of Central Africa is officially considered to be free from Ebola. The disease is highly contagious and badociated with high fever and bleeding. In total, 33 people died in this latest outbreak. Because the virus is one of the most dangerous pathogens in the world. In order to carry out research accordingly, a high-security laboratory of the Robert Koch Institute will be commissioned in Berlin at the end of July. It is subject to the highest level of security and will investigate highly infectious agents threatening life, such as the Marburg virus or Ebola, which killed some 11,000 people in 2014 and 2015. Lothar Wieler, president of The Robert Koch Institute: "If something flows in the lab, then it can not escape the lab." There are several locks: "We still have the device with all the garbage who leave the laboratory. The employees themselves are protected by a protective suit, which are practically space suits. The employees themselves are broken down by O2 divers. That means you have access to the O2 and you have several layers of gloves and everything … And of course, there are other technical possibilities in the lab, like security cabinets, which protect them against infection by these viruses. "Among other things, the researchers hope to find answers to several questions, among them: the immune reaction, the transmission of animals to humans, the development of vaccines or the destruction of viruses. of the Robert Koch Institute are requested internationally.More often, employees have been working in mobile laboratories during epidemics in recent years.

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