VW subsidiary Moia starts regular operation


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  Vehicle with Moia logo   Vehicle with Moia logo

A Moia vehicle is driving on a street. Photo: Holger Hollemann

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

H annover (dpa) – For Moia, it's serious: the Volkswagen subsidiary has started operating its shuttles regularly in Hanover. The approval of the city was initially 150 vehicles, in the first stage, the mark of 55 minibuses should be reached in the coming days, the company said Monday. First of all, about 15,000 additional users should be admitted – in addition to 3,500 users testing the previous service test with 35 minibuses. Moia wants to gradually increase the number of users and vehicles. By the end of 2020, half of the Hanoverian fleet must drive electrically until the end of 2022.

Car manufacturers have been preparing for some time already to fight against major transport platforms such as that & # 39; Uber. Daimler with Car2go and BMW with Drivenow are the best dogs in Germany for years. According to the previous sales director of the brand Jürgen Stackmann, VW also wants to enter the carpool market.

"Hanover is the first city where we want to become part of public mobility," said Ole Harms, CEO of Moia. Pbadengers can order their Moia vehicle via the app at a virtual stop near them. A special algorithm ensures that pbadengers with a similar route are picked up on the road. In Hamburg, Moia starts in the first months of 2019. Especially the taxi industry has strong reservations about the company.

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