Walnuts as a miracle cure: good for the silhouette, health and power


As a big calorie bomb, nuts have been frowned upon for a long time. However, new studies (not sponsored by the walnut industry) show that some varieties can in particular prolong life, reduce cholesterol and even make them lean – and significantly improve sperm in men

Slimming , a pretty bad reputation. Because with a good 500 kilocalories and 50 percent fat for 100 grams, it should bring nuts – no matter what type – at the same amount of energy as chocolate.

Why walnuts do not make fat, but thin Walnuts and chocolate:

1. Nuts are less fat than previously thought compared to chocolate, they can even help you lose weight. Several studies give clues. The researchers badyzed data on the health and eating habits of more than 300,000 Europeans. In their five-year study, they found that walnut eaters significantly reduced their risk of overweight compared to people who do not consume nuts.

One explanation might be that our body can only use two-thirds of the calories of nuts. Because the nuts are not completely crushed when chewing, but come in small pieces in the digestive system and leave the body partly again. The fat of the nuts is not completely absorbed and therefore does not reach the calorie count.

Nuts are perhaps the healthiest food in the world

2. Nuts, Brazil nuts and almonds provide fewer calories than expected, but plenty of fiber and valuable nutrients. In addition to easily digestible proteins and healthy unsaturated fatty acids, the most important B vitamins, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and selenium – in large doses.

Nuts are perhaps the healthiest of all foods, as current studies clearly show. So you can benefit from the healthy effects of nuts, you should eat about a handful, so 20 grams a day, which corresponds to about four walnut kernels or eight halves.

Replace meat often with nuts – not just for vegetarians

Nuts are much more than a snack. For example, if consumed as a replacement for red meat and eggs, the risk of inflammation decreases considerably, as revealed by one study:

During a diet providing nuts and reducing meat consumption and eggs, blood biomarkers for inflammation. This is not only important for people with chronic inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatism. Cardiovascular diseases are often badociated with inflammatory processes, such as atherosclerosis.

Vascular disease, badociated with narrowing and loss of elasticity of the veins, is considered the most important risk factor for hypertension, heart attack and stroke. In contrast, daily consumption of nuts protects against atherosclerosis and therefore also against heart attacks and strokes. Tip: as a garnish on salad, no beef or eggs, but chopped nuts – just as strong.

Nuts protect the heart and brain, reduce the risk of cancer and prolong life

As a result, a handful of nuts was badociated with these effects:

  • 30 percent fewer coronary heart disease
  • ] 22 percent reduction in the risk of premature death
  • 15 percent less cancer

This effect was evident for every Nussart, from cashew nuts to peanuts and almonds to walnuts

This nut also promotes concentration and memory, thus providing a natural brain doping, proves another study:

The subjects were allowed almonds, cashews, peanuts, pecans To eat pistachios or nuts. All varieties of nuts have had a positive effect on the brain. But most importantly, pistachios played an important role in improving cognitive perception and preservation of information, that is, learning

Nuts against the sperm crisis

Nuts can also help men and couples wanting to have children. Because this is often due to poor sperm quality and too little sperm count, if the woman is not pregnant as expected. The sperm count of men in Western countries has been reduced by more than half in one generation. More and more couples are thus denied offspring.

These deficiencies could be improved by the daily consumption of 60 grams of nuts – after only two weeks, reveals a Spanish study presented at the annual congress of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.

Individual results:

  • 14 percent higher sperm
  • six percent better motility
  • four percent healthier, healthy sperm

If these positive changes alone are due with nuts, researchers do not want to say yet. "But there is more and more evidence in the literature that a healthy lifestyle, such as a healthy diet, might help to conceive – and, of course, nuts are an important part of a healthy lifestyle. a healthy Mediterranean diet, "says Albert Salas-Huertos. Pure enjoyment

But how better to eat nuts? Although roasted nuts have a particularly good taste, some nutrients are not heat-resistant, like some B vitamins. Salt nuts are also not optimal for your health. 100 grams of salted peanuts can contain more than three grams of salt.

The daily amount of salt (sodium chloride), however, should not exceed five grams – mostly due to normal nutrition. Because bread, cheese, sausage and many other foods contain relatively high amounts of salt. Too much sodium chloride increases blood pressure, causes water retention and acidifies the body.

It is best to eat freshly cracked nuts and with thin, brown skin. Because it contains mostly a lot of valuable antioxidants. Moreover, recently popular nutmeg – such as almond or cashew – is an alternative for those who do not want (or can not) chew nuts. However, nuts are usually roasted and lose vitamins. In addition, a tablespoon of nutmeg provides about 130 kilocalories – all usable because the nuts are very small.

The Seven Most Popular Nuts

Particularly unprocessed nuts are healthy. If one species is healthier than the others, however, can hardly be clarified. In the end, there is no clear "winner". Each nut contains valuable nutrients and nutrients, and the different varieties differ only in detail. The most important nut varieties with their advantages:

1. Peanuts make you happy

Peanuts contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins, vitamin E and high quality protein. In addition provides the legume, because it is botanically seen peanut, tryptophan. The amino acid is converted to serotonin in the body. The neurotransmitter clears up the mood. Calorie content: 630 per gr

2. Hazel nuts support the brain

Hazelnuts provide more vitamin E than all other varieties of nuts. Vitamin E is a very effective antioxidant that protects cells and prevents premature aging. In addition, hazelnuts contain a lot of lecithin. The substance is a natural component of the cell membrane, participates in lipid metabolism and supports the acetylcholine messenger substance. Therefore, lecithin can improve nerves and brain performance. Calorie content: 660 per 100 grams

3. Cashew nuts increase potency

Cashew nuts have a high magnesium content. Cashews can thus support muscular work and protect against cramps when they are overloaded. Because cashews also contain iron, folic acid and potbadium, they are ideal for those who practice a lot of sports. Calorie content: 550 per 100 grams

4. Macadamia nuts reduce cholesterol levels

Macadamia is considered the "queen" of nuts because of its sweet and creamy taste. It has a high fat content, but mostly healthy unsaturated fatty acids. A small portion (ten pieces) a day can lower a high level of cholesterol. However, you should not eat more because 100 macadamia nuts provide 700 kilocalories.

5. Almonds help to lose weight

Almonds are not nuts, but are botanically badigned to stone fruits. Their high protein content is ideal for supporting weight loss. Various studies could prove it. Five almonds chew slowly, act against cravings – and from elsewhere against heartburn. Calorie content: 570 per 100 gr.

6. Nuts strengthen the heart and brain

With their high content of B vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, nuts are ideal for all brain workers because they improve the ability to concentrate. Nuts are often called Brainfood. At the same time, their nutrients keep the vessels flexible and protect against arteriosclerosis. A handful of walnuts with yogurt or muesli in the morning is the best way to start the day.

7. Brazil nuts increase testosterone levels

Brazil nuts not only contain valuable proteins and unsaturated fatty acids like all other nuts. They provide a considerable amount of zinc and selenium. These trace elements are related to the production of testosterone. Men can already slightly increase their testosterone levels with two Brazil nuts in the morning and two at night, which increases power and physical performance. Brazil nuts also act as a natural aphrodisiac in women. Because even women produce the male bad hormone, although significantly less than men. In women, testosterone improves libido.

Nut allergies are rare

The nuts are therefore particularly healthy and without fattening, as many feared. Of course, you should not neglect the calorie content if you often become nuts.

The only risk badociated with nuts is an allergy. However, only 1.5% of Germans are affected. However, it depends on which nut an allergy is detected. Because nuts contain different, for each variety of typical proteins (proteins). And these are triggers of the allergic reaction. In Western Europe, allergy to nuts and hazelnuts is particularly common. Almonds, on the other hand, are well tolerated by the majority.

Video: The five most healthy foods

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