Watch the children of mothers with type 1 diabetes!


Ärzte Zeitung online, 25.07.2018

Children's Health

MUNICH. The risk of obesity and insulin resistance in children of mothers with type 1 diabetes is significantly increased, report researchers at the Helmholtz Zentrum München and the Technische Universität München (Diabetologia 2018). , July 14)

. The risk of type 1 diabetes in children of affected parents is much higher than in the general population, recalls the Helmholtz Zentrum München in a study publication.

"In addition, previous studies have shown that children of mothers with type 1 diabetes have an increased risk of metabolic syndrome because high blood glucose levels in the uterus have long-term effects. on metabolism and body weight. "says Privatdozent Dr. Andreas Beyerlein quotes.

"We wanted to put this discussion on a solid database," says the statistician and epidemiologist, co-author of the study with Professor Anette-Gabriele Ziegler, Diabetes Research Institute, Helmholtz Zentrum München and Diabetes Research Unit eV, in charge of the project.

Researchers badyzed data collected from just under 2,800 children in the TEENDIAB, BABYDIAB, and BABYDIET studies up to the age of 18 years.

Studies included children who had a first-degree relative with type 1 diabetes. The researchers noted that children whose mothers had type 1 diabetes before pregnancy had a body mbad index (BMI) ) significantly higher than the children of healthy metabolic mothers.

"Participants in the TEENDIAB study," says Andreas Beyerlein, "were more than twice as likely to be overweight later."

In addition, values ​​such as hip circumference, fasting blood glucose or the risk of insulin resistance were significantly increased if the mother had type 1 diabetes. Previously, researchers had already excluded possible confounding factors such as mother's birth weight or higher.

Significant Changes in Metabolism

To find out how the differences were caused by profound changes in pediatric metabolism, the researchers interviewed 500 participants in the TEENDIAB study to study so-called metabolomic data, as reported in the Helmholtz Zentrum.

In fact, they did not detect significant changes related to type 1 maternal diabetes in metabolic products and metabolic pathways.

"Our study shows that children of type 1 diabetic mothers not only present a significantly higher risk for the disease itself, but also for overweight and insulin resistance," summarizes the Professor Anette-Gabriele Ziegler, one of the main makers of the study.

"Therefore, it would be desirable for children and adolescents to have this connection to the mind at the same time. the future and that the appropriate warning signs are given to children affected at an early stage. "

The TEENDIAB study deals with the development of diabetes during and after puberty and takes into account children ages six to ten years, when a family member already suffers from type 1 diabetes, reminds the Munich Helmholtz Center in his message.

TEENDIAB children were followed up at the age of 18 years and follow-up environmental influences es such as diet, exercise, psychosocial development, puberty and weight development were studied. More than 25 years of observation

The BABYDIAB study is one of the pioneering studies in the field of research into the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes, according to the Munich Center. , More than 1650 children of parents with type 1 diabetes have been observed since birth for a period of 25 years.

The purpose of the BABYDIAB study is to determine when islet autoantibodies appear for the first time, what genetic and environmental factors influence their development, and what characteristics of autoantibodies are most strongly badociated with the development of diabetes. of type 1.

The BABYDIET study focuses on the influence of gluten-containing foods on the development of type 1 diabetes. (eb)

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