WAZ: Innogy brand can stay on the acquisition of Eon | message


Essen (ots) – The Innogy brand could despite the recovery by
the energy supplier Essener Eon remains preserved. "Eon recognizes
that we are in Innogy and are more successful in some areas
", underlined the Innogy Board of Directors under the direction of
Uwe Tigges in an internal letter to employees, from
quoted by the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ, Friday edition). in
In this context, it is also examined whether the Innogy mark was adopted after the
The recovery by Eon persists, it continues in the
WAZ letter.

Also the boss of Eon Johannes Teyssen has a letter to his
Employees have stated that the WAZ is present. Similar to
Innogy board points out Teyssen that the
The main leadership positions of the new Eon Group "independent of
Original companies should be fulfilled in an optimal and fair manner
but at the same time said that the board Eon "always has the last word"

OTS: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung
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