WDR: Sender and Gebhard Henke Agree on Allegations of Harassment


The WDR withdrew the notice against its longtime film leader, Gebhard Henke. It was agreed amicably, he said in a press release. Henke would not return to his post. "After the relationship of trust between WDR and Professor Henke will no longer be established, the parties have decided to end the cooperation," writes the WDR. Nothing will be announced about the content of the agreement.

At the end of April, public broadcaster Henke had exempted him. In mid-June, WDR interrupted it without notice. In the press release issued by WDR, it was reported that more than ten women had reported to WDR the badual harbadment and inappropriate behavior of Henke. WDR considers the allegations "serious and credible". To this day, Henke denies all allegations.

Compared to ZEIT ONLINE had his lawyer Peter Raue told
In one case it would be a cheeky remark, in another it would have been
The affected people felt that Henke had looked at them ambiguously.
In addition, he goes in a case to a kiss of the unwanted tongue. "The customer
has no idea of ​​the person, the place and the opportunity
that's it, "said Raue. None of them
The allegations are rightly raised. Some things are invented, some things are wrong
Raue has already filed a complaint against the dismissal without notice at the Cologne Labor Court, which would have been the first hearing in court today, but is now abandoned.

Almost all women reported anonymously

Henke, 63, has been with WDR since 1984. He first worked in Cologne as a radio publisher, in the late eighties He joined the film and series of the program group. Most recently, he directed the TV, Cinema and TV Series.

Shortly after Henke's release, six women Spiegel reported being molested by Henke. Henke touched them and groped them, had them on the bad or
Belly caught. He had suggested promoting it, and apparently for that
expected physical benefits. Again and again, they describe it
Women in the report mirror Henke was his professional
Role as.

Among other things, the author of the bestseller Wetlands, Charlotte Roche, took the floor. Compared to ZEIT ONLINE, said the 40-year-old: "He's introduced, I stretched his right hand and did not stop shaking it, he put his left hand in the middle from my bottom. " That's what she also said to the WDR protocol. When asked why she had decided to go public, Roche said, "I went public, so other women dare to tell their story, and I'm trying to make up for that mistake." did not react five years ago. "She feels guilty, even Roche's allegations deny Henke."

According to ZEIT ONLINE, most of the women had anonymously testified before the WDR, and among other things, they were afraid of discrediting themselves with statements. In the industry, it is not known whether anonymous allegations would continue in the courts.

Other WDR employees are accused of badual harbadment

The case of Gebhard Henke is not unique to WDR. In total, six employees are accused of badual harbadment. Thus, the station had released in early April a former foreign correspondent of the ARD because of the charge of badual harbadment, meanwhile, the WDR has dismissed him. The Correctiv research agency also reported allegations against another television reporter. According to a report Spiegel the station also has allegations against a prominent television colleague who is now retired, against a radio colleague who is already registered for stalking, and against an employee of the revision department.

In mid-April, WDR management presented a package of measures for better prevention. In addition, former trade union leader and EU Commissioner Monika Wulf-Mathies will "independently" examine how the WDR has dealt with references to badual harbadment in the past. Your final report is expected in the coming weeks.

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