Werder wants to keep Friedl – Baumann: "Bayern has all the assets in hand"


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Quote from SVWKev93

Of course, Friedl is still a talent, but he will be 21 in 4 months and must prove himself slowly in the Bundesliga. Without devaluing it now, I do not think he has what it takes to defend himself at Bayern. I think the best thing for him would be to stay with Werder. If he becomes a strong and experienced Bundesliga player, you can always talk about Bayern in 2-3 years.

And you do that at a high age. Larsen did not prove durable. What do you think of him? And above all, how did you support it 4 months ago?
At what age did Lahm, Marcelo, Carvajal, Alaba (and soon also Hakimi) and his team-mates prevail in the big clubs at 18?
There are beginners and latecomers, partly has something to do with genes.
A Havertz and a Müller have always been almost insignificant in the U-teams. And yet, a moukoko, for example, can only dream of one day reaching its level.

Larsen: with 20 in Dortmund
Lahm: with 19 in Stuttgart, with 21 at Bayern
Marcelo: At 17 in the Brazilian first division, 19 at Real Madrid
Carvajal: 20 to Leverkusen, 21 to Real Madrid
Alaba: with 18 at Hoffenheim, 19 at Bayern
Hakimi: apparently 19 in Dortmund
Havertz: 17 years old in Leverkusen
Müller: 19/20 at Bayern

Friedl: Maybe with 21 then at Werder Bremen?

I'm really happy that you see us as a great club. But mMn. Friedl is still a few steps from Bayern. The comparison with the players you mentioned is simply difficult. And it's not just that, ALL had already won at that time in a club that I was going to see at the time about Bremen now. All these players were at this time without a major hitchhiker in their career. Not to play directly in the team of a top 3 club like Carvajal, Alaba, Hakimi or Lahm is not a sign for me that I will not be able to triumph later. None of these players then moved at best to a midfield club and could not even triumph.
All those players that I would have traded at this point in their career were also immediately against Friedl.

He certainly has the potential to become a good Bundesliga player. And maybe that will be enough for Bayern at some point. Therefore, they will probably want to install an RKO or similar. But we do not depend on training without having its own advantages. I think selling with RKO could be a good deal for everyone. We continue to coach Friedl and may have a good player and a successor to Augustinsson. Bayern earns a bit of money, but do not lose the chance to bring Friedl back in case he starts from the ceiling. In this case, we still made a good profit and everyone can be happy.
Think about 2-3 million € transfer + 8-15 million RKO. Maybe also dependent on certain investments. If this is lucrative enough for us, but also depends a lot on whether the market offers better alternatives and if actors like Best do not even go that far.

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