Westfalenpost: Diesel: The problem is elsewhere | message


Hagen (ots) – success of export? It sounds great. Africa and
Eastern Europe buys us old diesel cans from here in Germany
Nobody wants to have more because they pollute the air and always
more cities will be banned from driving. Of course, this is not
great. First of all, car owners in Germany pay because they
even when exporting their vehicles a thick scandal of exhaust
calculate. Nobody will do the big thing. and
second, the problem is only displaced: now they are damaging
Even the environment and the people in another part of the world.
The problems did not go away because we do not see them anymore. the
The principle is not new. Like the federal government a good dozen years ago
the Abwrackprmie invented to stimulate the economy, landed
then countless end – of – life cars illegally abroad. Under the
Stuck remains the achievement: Responsible for the whole dilemma
are not the consumers, but the car manufacturers. That they are in
Germany is not held responsible in the interest of the customer
is the scandal in the scandal.

OTS: Westfalenpost
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