Why Men with Strong Testosterone Need Branded Products


Does Testosterone Level Affect Men's Purchase?

Some people do not pay attention to the brand for which the product was made. Then there are also people who are extremely important, for example, that their clothes were made by a well known manufacturer. Researchers are now studying whether men's sterol test levels affect their buying habits. Experts have found that men with high levels of testosterone have a greater preference for goods that society considers status symbols.

Scientists from Caltech University, the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Western Ontario hired a recent study reveals that high levels of testosterone in men cause them to buy more well-known brand products, which are something like status symbols. The doctors published the results of their study in the English journal Nature Communications

. Why do men with high levels of testosterone tend to buy expensive clothes, luxury cars and other expensive goods? (Photo: Minerva Studio / fotolia.com)

Testosterone affects men's shopping habits

Some men seem unable to afford enough luxury items like expensive sports cars or designer jeans. Scientists have now discovered the reason for this buying behavior. It's testosterone. Testosterone has a measurable effect on a man's preference for brands, which are considered status symbols, experts say. For example, a man with a higher testosterone level will be more likely to use branded jeans compared to a man with a lower testosterone level

What Does Testosterone Do?

This is perfectly logical because one of the main functions of testosterone is the man. motivate to achieve high status. Exactly how testosterone, which men are trying to protect their status reaches, explains the doctors. "In the animal kingdom, testosterone promotes aggression, but aggression serves status," says study author, Professor Colin Camerer of the California Institute of Technology in a Press release. Many human behaviors can also be observed in primates in the animal kingdom. Men are replacing physical aggression with a form of aggression

Men Want to Show What They Have Accomplished

Scientists Research the Biological Origin of 39, a so-called conspicuous consumer behavior when it comes to buying luxury goods and services. the social status goes. Such buying behavior is comparable to the beautiful feathers of the tail of a male peafowl, explain the experts. If the male peabad did not have to find a partner, the peabad would certainly be better without his tail ornament. For example, it could be much easier to flee predators and find food more easily. In biology, we talk about expensive signal transmission. A man would probably be better if he did not spend 300,000 euros on a luxury car, but by buying this car, he shows people that he is rich enough to buy such a status symbol. , scientists say

Subjects received testosterone or placebo

The study included a total of 243 male volunteers aged 18 to 55 randomly selected to receive a dose of T gel or placebo gel. This gel was then absorbed through the skin by the subjects. Afterwards, the participants were sent home and after four hours they were asked to return to the laboratory because at that time, testosterone levels in their blood were close to their highest level, say the researchers. Upon their return, they participated in various tasks to determine their preferences for different types of goods.

Testosterone changed the behavior of purchase

First, participants must use a slider to determine on a scale of one to ten, with one was for a brand with a lower social status but of equal quality, and ten represented a mark of high social status, which brand they preferred and what was their preference. The data collected by researchers during this task showed that men who received a dose of testosterone had a higher preference for luxury brands than men who took the placebo.

Was status more important than quality?

The second task was to separate the effect of testosterone on the desire for luxury goods from other potential effects, such as an increased desire for high quality goods or goods that produced a feeling of power, explain the researchers. This task showed participants in the study a series of advertisements on consumer goods, such as a car, sunglbades or a coffee machine. Participants randomly received one of three versions of an advertisement for each of these articles, with each version of the advertisement highlighting either quality, luxury, or the power of the article. After reviewing the announcement, they were asked to rate their attitudes on this article on a scale of 1 to 10.

The testosterone dose led to the preference for luxury goods

In addition, the results of this second task had a higher preference for luxury products than men who received only placebo. However, there has been no corresponding increase in preference for products that have been advertised as better performing or better, say the study's authors. In primates, male animals consume a lot of time and energy to establish dominance among other animals. People show similar behavior, but our ways of domination are different. We show our dominance of worn out clothes and our way of life, rather than using claws, fists and muscles like primates, says Carter. (As)

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