With VMware: AWS outposts bring the Amazon cloud into their own data centers


With the Outpost on-premise solution, Amazon's AWS cloud offering can now be leveraged into its own data center. With its offer, Amazon is also getting closer to the services of its main competitor, Microsoft, who had submitted a similar offer with Azure Stack more than three years ago. Amazon wants to contrast with Outpost but clearly offers competition.

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  1. Bosch Group, Stuttgart
  2. Data port, different locations (home office possible)

The announcement indicates that other offers have not been delivered to the customer so far. "the same APIs, tools, hardware and features for local and cloud environments" offer. Amazon wants to solve this problem by simply placing server racks, also used in AWS, in the customer's data centers. This infrastructure will then be from Amazon herself "managed, maintained and supported"AWS Outpost will be widely available from the second half of 2019.

The Outpost offer should basically exist in two variants. The first uses VMware's cloud software offering as a software layer to help VMware's enterprise customers transition. It will use the so-called VMware software-defined data center, which provides a compute, storage, and network infrastructure.

For the second variant, the same control layer and the same APIs that Amazon offers in its public cloud are available. Then, as its own software can be used, now only in its own data centers, which can reduce latencies. But for this solution, Amazon also cooperates with VMware and offers various software offerings from virtualization specialists based on the AWS API.

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